
Skit: what ever the hell Kwanzaa is suppose to be about

THIS POST HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH KWANZAA. But I feel like market days is kind of like that. People know of it and know that it is a celebration but have no idea what the historical meaning of the party is. Not even I know. I could do some quick googling but a lass I am very lazy. I will find out later and do a post about that. However Market days 2014 was awesome. I spent it with people I hadn't seen in forever, who still after 2-4 years still love me like no time has passed. I was with Jen, Wow Boa, The Stripper, The Fire department, and The Artist. There is nothing like it. We don't need anything to have fun as long as we have each other. We create our own music, drop our own bass, live in constant turn up mode. Its hard not to be happy when we are together. Even my shy friends find themselves letting loose. Its a simple joy that creates a feeling and has effects that are far from simple. Together we seem to validate each other we see each other for who we are and accept that unconditionally. We are all so different but seem to want, need the same things and its the differences that make us more the same. There is an understanding that in the group we look out for each other and care for one another whether we have know you for years or just met you today. We trust and love.  Not all of my friends get that and are too uncomfortable to let go just for a second. Afraid that the second they let their guard down they will be hurt or something. But the ones that do, the ones that aren't so jaded by life, experience the high, and there is nothing like it. It's been 24 hours since I've been with my friends and I am fighting back the happy tears. The swell of positive emotion even after its over is overwhelming. Its so simple but has a drastic impact on my life and the ones around me. I have been wondering if I've been depressed since highschool, why didn't I know sooner? Why did it take until I left for college for the symptoms to show? Why wasn't it so bad in highschool when it all started? Simple I've been self medicating every weekend for hours at a time by being with my friends and creating an atmosphere such as this one. I haven't felt like this since right before I left for school. The people in my life so greatly impacted my life, I live for my friends and they keep me alive. I don't know what Market Days is about, why we all converge for two days to drink, dance, and mingle. But I do know that it creates space for people like me to meet the most important people in my life. Market days makes room for, love, trust, and happiness. Its a place one can let go and just be. That's reason enough to celebrate for me. I can't put in words the feelings I feel. I wish only to ask you to listen to this song and think of a time when you were with your friends it all felt right. I couldn't give them the shout out I wanted on Facebook so I am going to do it here. When I am with : Danza, Jerbear, Cusin, KitKat, husband number seven, husband number one, Wow Boa, A fox named owl, Cat, Lafablous, white boy, Boss, The stripper, Dini (most of the time), Fireman, The Artist, Lifeguard, LL, ZuZu, Potato Pancake, Kevi, Amoriatii, Gayleb, Griffendor (if we ever stop fighting), Havi, Q, Cooki, little seal, Besty, President Ray, my sisters, my brothers, the model, or Matthew there is no place I'd rather be.

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