
Skittle: The end of an Era Amoriartii. Part 2

I flew all the way to the east coast to break up with Amoriartii. I was there for less than 24 hours which is the second shortest amount of time I've take to see them.  It was bitter sweet. We saw the monuments at night and went for a hike in the morning. The entier time I was distancing myself, trying not to forget why I was here. I eventually gave in and snuggled with them on the couch. But as we were leaving I stated we should just be friends.  I want to have equal or as close equal emotional input as possible and I clearly cared way more than they did.  It was causing me a lot of stress. I was scared,  I am sad. But I found it's like ripping off a bandaid just do it quickly and get it over with.  They recived it very well I think.  There was no crying, however we did share some slight chuckles. I'm hurting, I'm healing. I haven't lost them I just lost the love we shared.  They are hopeful everything will work out in the end. If we are meant to be they believe we will be. But they aren't going to try to make it happen either.  Which is where we differ. I wanted this. I did everything I could to make it work and just me trying will never be enough.  They weren't willing to try with me so I had to move on. They said something really interesting before we parted. "The universe keeps pushing us toghter like fusion it also keeps pulling us apart like fision. But eventually we will have to equalize." I think they have hope that we will end up together.  But I don't. I'm done.  I can't hope any more. I ran out of wishes. I've rubbed all the bottles and I'm fresh out of genies.  I've caught all the fairies, plucked all the 4 leaf clovers.  This is the end.

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