
Blogs for KU: Suede flogger

My flogger is all suede from the falls/ throws  to the loop on the on the end.

Just some flogger terms before we get started. The falls/ throws are the part that that hit people. The hilt is a fancy name for the part you hold. The pommel might be the ball or added part the end that has a ring or loop to hang it by to store it.

Like I said every part of my flogger is suede. Not suitable for you if your looking to keep your play vegan. Floggers can be made out of so many different materials. So fret not if you are kinky but are turned off by animal products. It is evenly balanced and lighter than most floggers which I like. My arm never gets tired from throwing it. However, because it's so light it is hard for me to tell how hard I'm hitting. It takes some figuring out, but I was able to gage my throws based on the sound it makes when it lands. I am able to through it very softly where the suede feels very nice against skin. Or I can throw it where it will leave you red. This flogger does not bruise or draw blood.  Because it is suede it is dam near impossible to clean. I do not get blood, wax, lube, etc on it because then I would have to send it to the cleaners to be cleaned. This flogger is for the tidy. It is average size for a flogger, 28 inches total. The throws are 20 inches long. It has just the right amount of throws. Not too many that it's not able to be thrown so that it stings. Not to few that it is only stings. It tangles as you throw it but not to the point where it is unmanageable. The throws just cling to one another more than the throws of a rubber one but less than one that is made out of fur, such as rabbit. If it bothers you just run your fingers through it every time you take a break for water or pause. It comes with a braided suede loop at the end of the pommel for storage. I normally only use the loop to hook my hand through when I'm throwing. Not that it would slip, it has very good grip. You can get my exact flogger on Early to Bed's website for about $78. I think that's reasonable for how well made it is. I've had mine for about two years. It gets a decent amount of use and it still looks exactly like it did when I bought it. I have the purple and black one. It also comes in pink and black and blue and black. I really like it and I hope you do too if you choose to add it to your collection.  
Happy kinking

- J Skittles

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