
Skit: in today's shity history

They forced native people of their land again because history has taught us nothing.  They also decided Transgender children are second class citizens who don't deserve our protection in a place they should be safe, school. I'm more than done with today I don't have the spoons for it.  As a native person the atrocities that keep happening to my people in 2017 are dumbfounding. The native people got forced off thier land in Hawaii so rich white man could have his slice of pardise and our court system helped him do it.  If that doesn't scream colonialism loud enough for you the no DALP protesters where forced off thier land to so that thier water could be poisoned just like two other POC communities here in America ( Flint, Mi and St. Joseph, LA ). Then Trump proved he is the biggest bully and denied children the right to pee in the bathroom that makes them comfortable. Its children and it's thier bathroom and they already face so much bullying, more than thier cisgender counter parts and he just made thier life that much more of a living hell. Transgender kids are already more likely to commit sucide why is he pushing them.  This is wrong. No more spoons though. I have been fighting so many fights for myself, then my community, then my country, then with in my community. If my country could just stop fucking up for just one day so I can rest that would be great. 

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