
skitt: Ponies

THIS POST HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PONIES PASS THIS POINT. if your looking for ponies to dang bad. i am calling this ponies because it is about the committee i am on and this will probably be the most random post i have written thus far. bare with me. i was going to talk about the educational things i learned at action camp but all that is boring and it really wasn't the highlight of my 24 hours, what really stole the show was a good convo with a friend.(i was only able to stay at camp for 24 hrs camp was from noon on Friday to.3 pm on saturday) i feel like at queer youth events you learn formal things like how to make systematic change and politically correct  language. trust me it is all fine and dandy, but a lot of young people don't want to be activist. some want to do exactly what i did. be away from home among other young people who are Queer, they want to feel a since of community. they want to have people they can talk to for hours and hours. personally i think it is just as important to go to these events to learn things and network.  the whole thing is i really wasn't suppose to go to action camp in the first place due to the fact that i am having a party on saturday and i am the only person who can do anything in my house. so my dad been trying to force everything on me and i just had to flat out tell him no on somethings. so after i finished running errand for my father i was already 3 hours late to action camp so i missed all the educational stuff for the day. i was really on there for the party and the late night conversation. running back and forth between my apartment and my friend's, trying not to get caught, and basically spending the night in my friends room was what i spent most of action camp doing. because of that i feel like my fellow committee member became a life long friend and that is what my take away from action camp is. now granted since i wasn't suppose to be there i got in a shit load of trouble with my dad. (he is so pissed off) but i really don't care because it is one of those things where you go dam i am going to get in a lot of trouble but it will all be worth it in the end.  i have learned so much from being on the committee i figured it was time to do some networking, you know talk to someone. you wouldn't believe  the things to fellow activist who struggle with race have in common family wise. the point is learn and talk. work and play. maintain this golden balance of sorts. i have been on the committee for about a year now and i can point to this one day that has made a relationship that i hope i will be able to keep because i truly cherish it. no i am not in a relationship with this person we are just friends but friendship is a relationship too. friendships often take more work than regular relationships i mean they last longer too so that might have something to do with it. guess what i am trying to say in the post is go to thing  and learn  but also make connections. and if you have the chance to do something worth while but you know you will get punished for it do it any way, just as long as its all worth it.

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