
Skit: Crosses and Queers

I was recently asked a very important question by one of my friend. I am calling it important not because it was life changing or mind boggling but because it was a good question.  My very Christian friend Q asked me as a homosexual Christian how do I feel about what religion say about my sexuality. I personally hate talking about religion because it is a touchy subject for most.  But Q and I have been best friends and homies and bros for 4 yrs now so I can talk to him about anything even religion. I am also going to share with you guys because I get to talk and you read it and you may think whatever you want to think about me but you folks never leave me comments so I will never know how you feel.   You could scream at me and yell and call me all sorts of names but I will never know until you leave me a comment so.  I answered Q ‘s question by saying simply this:" it is hard to believe in a book that has been warpped and reworked by corrupt men.  At one time the bible was once against people of color and if you take it in a literal since it is still against women. According to the bible women still have little to know rights the man is supposed to run everything because women are feeble minded and weak. Come on now Adam vs. Eve.  However there is hope for Christianity because religion does change with the time just changes very slowly. Just like the bible no longer has those racist over tones ( it still has racist under tone but most people do see it) one day it might not be so homophobic. but for now when I go to church I realize that things have been changed and it is not the original word and most of what is in the bible is left up to interpretation."  I believe in God and I have a strong relationship with God. So sometimes it is harder to identify as a Christian because I am Queer it is a lot easier to be spiritual just because of what other Christians say. I don’t have many problems with the religion and the teaching over all because a lot of them are positive.  Yes the religion has problem and I don’t agree with everything it says or other Christians say but what I have grown up with and understand about it, I like it. ( i know that sounds very contradictory what i am trying to say is i like the majority of what Christianity  is about/ what i understand it to be and because i can't remove what i dislike i am going to say yes it has problem but for the most part its cool with me) Now my Christianity isn’t everybody’s so there are just something’s I don’t do but I have made it work for me just like other people have made it work for them. So I do feel like i can be Queer and religious without the two being at odds. What do you all think?

Hey hey, I am moving in to my apartment today.  This past week has been a super stressful one.  I had a trunk party but it didn’t turn out how it was supposed to. My dad built it up to be something really awesome, where everyone gives you lots of money and stuff. However it wasn’t like that at all.  Out of the 150 (and all of them where my dad’s friends) people that where invited only 20 something of them showed up. I invited 8 people and 4 showed so I was happy. But even out of the 20 people who came I didn’t get 20 gifts. It was the craziest thing because they came ate all the food and the cake, drank up all the drinks (my dad served alcohol) then left without giving me anything. I was very upset if you go to a party where the whole reason for the party was to get gifts then you need to give something before you eat up all the refreshments. Unless you’re a child like my friends are and they even got me cards. The cards where funny as hell and I think I am going to take them to college with me because I really like them. Any way since my trunk party was a bust so with what little money I had gotten i had to work on a very strict budget. I have over 100 things to get to have my dorm but the problem is a lot of my items cost $50 each which doesn’t help when two of my must have items ate $150. What I decided to do is get all my kitchen items first then I’ll do my bathroom accessories fallowed by my safety stuff like computer locks, bike locks. Then last but not least I’ll have to do my office supplies. Hopefully all goes well. I just have so many lose ends to tie up shit bout to get busy lol. No scratch shit bout to get real. I mean I still don't feel like it’s real yet I am sitting here on my bed and I swear it’s not real. I mean I'm not worried or scared just anxious I have a little bit of first day jitters. My first day is next so I have a week to adjust which should be enough time. It has to be enough time. I’ll work some things out and then the next post will probably be the last Sunday post and after a week of school I will report back on Saturday with a new schedule. no music this week sorry :(.  ( i actually did have a song but i can't remember how it goes or any of the words it is like on of those i would know if herd it type songs)

Stay Fierce yo 

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