
emergency post, not really but got love the mellow dramatics

Hey Hey, so i know i said i would post once a week and didn't post at all two weeks ago did a make a post last week and now two post this week ( "come on skittles give us some consistency" said all the imaginary people who read this blog. just kidding i know there are people out there who are  there reading this and you all do exist i promise) i am sorry sometimes my life is kind of boring. i mean it is boring all the time with out the details like: i went from point A to point B and things happened along the way but after the 9 month i got to point B the end but if i add detail i started school in September  went all the way to June. man did stuff go down but it also went up and i made it after nine months to June. see so much more interesting and the more details the more interesting. well today my life was interesting and that is what i wanted to talk about. i am in a relationship of sorts ( if you want to know what sorts you will have to leave a comment and ask me to blog about it cuz i really don't think my relationship will interest you guys but if you want to know i will tell) and Valentine's day is coming up. our favorite hallmark holiday of the year and a excuse for me to brake my diet. yeah! any way there is a LGBT valentine's day dance in one of the suburbs around my city and i wanted to go. problem there is an age limit on the dance ( dang man/ woman/ person/ keeping me down raise fist and shakes).  i am on this committee and the entire committee is going except me and a very pretty girl we call Nat. any way, my girl friend said i should go with Nat since neither of us have dates to this dance. but i know my girl friend says on thing and sometimes means another thing. so i don't know if i am in the clear to go with my friend or if it is one of those "i dare you to go with that hussy and i will kill you"  things. i don't know what to do. i could ask her but she would give me the same answer with a "don't worry about it bay i love you".  so confuse. so help a sister out before Friday because if i got that is when i need to ask Nat.

" she siad two post this week but there is only one. she can't count. hahahaha." people who read this blog. i assure you i can count just not well. i can not spell but i can count to... (looks at hand and counts fingers hmhmhmhmhmhmhmhmhm) 10! there will be a follow up post on Saturday or Friday deepening on if i ask her and what she say. that will make two post. if it is a short fallow up i will split the post half on the fallow and the other half on what i was actually going to write about this week.  so be on the look out. if i go to the dance well then there will be a third fallow blog on the 15 and you will be some lucky people. i switched font . i got bored with the old so i wanted to some new so along with the color i will play around wit the font till i find something i like or that you guys like. sorry about the weird linei did something strange where i was writing it and it glitched. 

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