
rondom skit (that bothers me about me)

no this is not a skit. i just have lots of stuff i want to say and i never get a chance to to say a lot of it. not even on here.  like i wanted to blog about black history month and how (why) it bugs the hell out of me and i really don't like this month at all. or about how teenagers ( who attend fast paced/ stressful school) are going through mid life crises. i don't even curse on this blog which really bugs me because there are a lot of four letter words in my vocabulary which would explain how a feel a lot better than any eloquently written sentence ever could . but because i want the blog to be open for the world to see i have to restrict myself. i mean i don't know who could be reading this blog. it could be my friend or it could be a future employer. like i want to be myself on this blog but i also don't want to offend people. so i have to mix in some acting with the real me but the lines between actor and the real version get really blurred sometimes. i mean it is just really fuzzy. i find through i am the me-est when i am being the queerest. and i know that must sound weird but here me out. i am recently discovering myself ( recent with respect to how long i have known other thing about me). i declared myself Bi about 4 yrs ago. so queer me is about 4 yrs old innocent and young but the rest of me like swimmer me is about 14 and has conformed a lot already. i hope this makes sense and yall are like  " j skittle you one crazy mo fo". but i want to be more like queerest me you know i really don't want to be a prisoner of my own political correctness any more. i want to look back on something and say thanks for the memories ( i am listening to Fall Out Boy don't judge me ). so i want you know that from now on we as par-takers of the blog are going to operate on this lovely system call assume best intentions that way i can write my mind and you guys can't be like "your jerk j skittle" i mean you can but most of the time you will be misunderstanding me if you think that. or you might understand me completely and still think i am jerk which is fine with me. i would rather be understood and be thought of as a jerk then be misunderstood and be thought of as a nice guy. so before we go any farther in our blogger relationship i had to get that out the way.

Express Yourself Without Jeopardizing Yourself

what else what else. as you can see i write what come to my head as sit in front of my laptop to write for you Zies (gender neutral pronouns told you i was working on it ). i write how i feel and my feelings are drastically effected by music which i listen to as i write ( i am listening to Gold Dust (Flux Pavillion Remix right now.) i like these shorter post i think i should do more "random skit (insert topic here)" stuff. still working this stuff out this is my first public blog. i have a private one where i write poetry and only my editors are allowed to read those so. you Zies should have seen me when i found out people where actually reading this i freaked. so i will keep writing till you tell me stop. but now that i think about it i have never really been one for listening to instructions so i might continue to write lol :) btdubes fav photo yet. leave me comments and if you can't someone needs to tell me so i can figure out how to fix it. oh if you are reading this from Trevor space click on my blog (click the title. click it. click it. click it real good lol.) it will take you to blogger and then you can leave me comments.  which i will read and respond to cuz care. thanks for reading.  ciao

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