
Skit: Bad. Bad humans. Bad

Just in case we need a refresher in 2019 of what is unacceptable I have made a list. The majority of things that I'm touching on are endemic to the United States of America. However, the general ideas are applicable to the current humans species.
It's 2019! Get your shit together humans!
°White Supremacist
°Concentration Camps
°Putting Children in Cages
°Stealing Children from their Parents
°Not offering defendants in every court a public defender/ public attorney/ legal representation
°Defending rapist in an attempt to dismiss or offset the act of raping someone
°Sex Trafficking
°using power in privilege to escape/avoid justice
°Destroying the Environment out of Laziness
°gender factoring in the how much you make
°Supporting Israel's continued attempts to wipe out Palestine
°Drilling and Deforestation in National Parks
°Rezoning land so that it is no longer part of the National Parks so that companies can use that land (usually means deforestation and/or drilling)
°Permanently Closing and selling national parks (but really parks of any kind so that companies can have that land
°Taxing the poor and middle class more than the rich
°Minimum wage being below livable wage
°"At Will" Labor Laws
°Standing ideally by as infrastructure disintegrates
°Building a Border Wall
°Legally limiting beneficial and safe reproductive care for adults (abortion bans)
°The Criminal and Incarceration aspects of the war on drugs
°Private Prisons for Profit
°Private Prisons
°Using Prison Labor for Free Labor (a form of indentured servitude which is one step away from slavery)
°Criminalization of people with mental illness
°American Capitalism
°Destroying the Environment for profit and/or pure laziness
°The lack of Government oversight for pricing in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry
°The Broken Immigration System
°Corporations inhumane treatment of their employees
°Legal loopholes that allow corporations to deny their employees health benefits and accommodations of basic human needs (bathroom and lunch break)
°Legal loopholes that allow companies and businesses to under pay their employees.
°Union busting
°Legal loopholes that allow companies to under pay their employees with disabilities
°Racially segregateing communities by systematically financially disenfranchising people of color
°Denying basis education, healthcare, and a quality standard of living on the basis of money.
°removing music, art, recess, physical education, and access to modern technology from education and still calling it a quality education
°overcrowded classrooms
°underfunded schools
°schools without heat and air conditioning
°The fact that lead pipes are still like use for water
°Cops in schools
°Armed security guards in schools
°School Shootings
°America's lax gun laws
°Cops/security guards in schools that don't have full time nurses, counselors/therapist, or social worker/ future planner
°Schools without full-time nurses, counselors, and therapist
°Cops killing unarmed Black People
°Cops killing unarmed Black People and keeping there job, being transferred, or  pension (retiring in early)
°Black People murder by the police never getting the justice they deserve
°Cops killing unarmed Black People and not going to prison
°Trans women's (especially women of color) murders going unsolved.
°Trans women (especially women of color) being disproportionately murdered
°The over criminalization of black and brown people
°white people getting hung up on their white guilt and thus not getting to the point where they can be comrades in the movement
°Toxic Masculinity
°White Fragility
°Using Religion to justify Hate and War
°Queer people (especially people color) disproportionately committing suicide
°Domestic Violence
°The United States of America  destabilizing other countries
°America's wars in the Middle East.
°The fact that there's no constitutional protection to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit, and the jury system.
°The fact that the Equal Rights Amendment still needs to be ratified by 1 more state to pass* (Congress do a little bit more too but...)
°feminism that doesn't include women of color, queer women, and/or women of different ability statuses (by the way if it's not inclusive of all women then it's not feminism)
°People serving prison sentences for sell, buy, or using marijuana
°People who are still technically a felon because of marijuana charges.
°Screwing over Indigenous People
°Taking Indigenous People's land
°Polluting Indigenous People's Water
°Treating Indigenous People Unjustly


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