
Skittles: the real difference between ♀️ and ♂️

Back story: My younger brother was in the hospital for acute liver failure. He was in the ICU for a little less than a week. Leading up to his stay and during that time I have been having small heart attacks. I told my brother if I die he can have my liver, but he has to tell the story about how he's only alive because of me (there is more to that story) and include the new chapter were my last act in this world was to give him my liver so he could live. He said if he died but I lived I could have his heart and we would be even. If I got his heart I had to stop telling the story of the only reason he was alive was because of me. I said if I don't die he could still have part off my liver and I'll tell the story myself.

We are both out of the hospital now. I came home and asked him when he was leaving for school.
Him: "Couldn't kill me so you're going to send me back to school?"

Me: "I didn't want you dead. I tried very hard to keep you alive."

Him: " Well I'm an organ donor now so just in case I got your back."

Me: " I've been an organ donor since I got my first license. But that's good to know. If you did die, I was going to get a sex change, take all your male reproductive organs, and put your dick to good use."

Him: " What? They don't do penis transplants."

Me: " Oh yes they do. They did 1 at John Hopkins in 2018 in April. I think your dick would look better on me. I know your penis would get way more use if it was attached to me."

Him: " How? It wouldn't work."

Me: " Yes it would. I'm not only taking the external I'm taking your, prostate, blood vessels, nerves, testicles, ligaments, muscles, cartilage, glands, veins, everything needed to make it work and then some. I'm also taking some bone marrow to reduce the chance of rejection."

Him: "No you can't have my penis."

Me: " Why? We're siblings, that greatly reduces the chance of rejection."

Him: " No, you can't have it. "

Me: " That's a shame, someone else is going to get your penis. The skin color won't match as well and there is going to be a high risk of rejection. Which means your penis might go to waste and end up in the trash. "

Him: " No, no one can have my physical penis or testicles organs. I'm changing my donor information. All my other organs can be donated and all my other parts can be used for science. I want to look like the boxer briefs under wear mannequins when I'm buried. You know the just pelvic region. I want just that in my casket. "

Me: "Okay. I'm going to dedicate a song to you at your funeral."

Him: "What song? "

Me: ..... 😁 " It's my dick in a box! "

Him:  " See now your uninvited."

Me: " Fine but I'm paying for your funeral. I'm going to have the undertaker to put your penis and only your penis in a fitting tuxedo jacket and have an open casket."

Him: " Now you have to die first. I don't care if you're healthy. If I die they have to bring me back and keep me alive using machines until you can be located and murdered."

At some point and time anyone born with only the entire uterus system has looked down and said something along the lines of "Hey, look. I didn't ask for you. I know you didn't ask for me. If you don't want to be here we can fix that. Find you someone else who will deal with your shit. If you want to leave let me know!"
I haven't met anyone born with only an uterus and collective parts that hasn't seriously consider getting rid of the entire uterus reproductive system. People who are born with uteruses are not so attached to those body parts and would probably donate them in death giving the chance.
But most people born with the average phallic gentile and system are very attached to their nether regions. This is probably why very few vascularized composite allotransplantation surgeries are done.

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