
Daily Struggles

Every time I watch a religious ish movie, I remember I need to stop being stubborn. Stubborn people end up in Biblical, Qur'anic, Torahic, and/or, other Abrahamic religious situations. My mom would read my brother Joseph his many stories in the Bible. After I was always like "looks like I'm going to hell cuz there's no one like me in the Bible". My mom would say "Moses, Noah, Jonah, ect we're all like me. GOD would tell them to do something and they would try not to do it, out of spite or just being stubborn. Many people in the Bible fought GOD tooth and nail to try to avoid what he wanted them to do. Sound familiar?" Point being I have to do better. I'm right around biblical age as well.

A few years back, I was in California during one of their many droughts. My friend was smoking and threw her butt into a bush. It quickly caught fire. We scrambled to quickly put it out. After the fire was suppressed, I explained " I'm glad we took care of that before things got biblical. We almost ended up wandering through the desert or carving tablets of stone on top of this mountain. Nobody's got time for that I have a plane to catch in the morning."

Moral of the story is I don't want any more trials or tribulations. I would wish for smooth sailing but that's not safe. I would ask for easy comfortable living but first I have to be sold by my siblings. I'd ask for a simple life that ends with me going to heaven but that's a Saul/Paul kind of thing. I'd ask to be average but all the Marys were average. I think the problem is asking. If I just don't ask for anything maybe I'll be safe.

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