
Skittles: I'm seeing people?

So I have already told you all about Latka. We are doing good. We haven't officially started our relationship but we talk at least once a week on the phone. We also text everyday and he is coming to visit in December for a bit. I'm excited.

I haven't talked about Vendetta recently though. I thought all hope was lost when I found out this other person liked her and she liked the other person back. All was not lost. V is poly like me. I have since learned about one other person in V's romantic life. So there are 3 of us to my knowledge. I briefly stopped talking to V when I found out about the person number 1. Then she hit me up and asked me to help her move so I did. I got to spend a whole day with her which is how I learned she was poly and into me. We've been talking ever since. In September we started officially dating! Things have been slow but that's intentional. There is a lot of her own history she has to sort through and I respect that. I just like being there for her. I want her to be as comfortable as possible in our relationship so I'm willing to wait, all be it impatiently. I enjoy just being with V. Our conversations are very intentional and thought provoking. But still very relaxed. I like that I just get to be myself and discover myself with her. I always feel in a relationship I'm aiming to please. So I only get to be part of myself. With Cyborg I was very fem, despite wanting to explore my more masculine or neutral side, because that's what Cyborg was attracted to. But with Vendetta I get to be whatever. I love her heart and soul. She is very sensetive ( in a good way) and soft. Her willingness to be vulnerable and engage with me is what I find most attractive about her. She's also just so freaking physically attractive as well. I spend so much time lusting after her. I have learned that when no one tickles my fancy my sex drive just doesn't exist. Which is nice. When I'm not attracted to anyone I don't get horny. Since I prefer the company of others to my own that really works out in my favor. No person, no sexual feelings, no sexual desires, great! However, when I do find someone attractive for more than a moment then its like they flipped the switch. I go from never wanting sex to thinking about it all the time. Thus the case with V. I have been abstinent since I broke up with Cyborg in February. I could have had a fling with California eyes at the beginning of September but mother nature got in the way. Other than that I have only had a boner for V. We started talking in July so by now I could just devour her with my desire. But I'm not going to. I will take a very cold shower and wait. I respect her and I will not force the issue. But dam her eyes, her smile, those lips, her hips, and everything else just keeps me staring.

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