
Skit: Charlottesville

I am not surprised.  I am not surprised that this happened. I am not surprised that the original protest met the counter protest with violence and that none of the original  protesters where charged for that violence.  I am not surprised that they where not met with riot gear police the way peaceful black lives matter protest are.  I am not surprised by the lack of outrage over this white Supremacist domestic terrorism or the lack of a response in general.  I am not surprised By people's unwillingness to call it white supremacy and domestic terrorism, even though that is what it is. 

We have a president that is threatening a country with nuclear war with no regard for his constituents lives or the lives of the people in the other country. He preaches hate. He dehumanize women, Muslims, Queers, black people, Latinos, and anyone who is not like him or connected to his money. He has given a voice and vailidated people who have the idea that there way, a way where anything that is different or unknown is wrong, is right.  That all the progress we have made,  and despite these protest and our president we have made progress, means nothing and that we can and should go back to a more unhuman time. There are more of us, people of color,  Muslims, immigrants,  Queers, women,  people who believe in civil rights for all than there are people of hate.  I'm not saying all women, are for Muslim rights,  or all people of color are for Queer ( trans specifically) rights. But there are more people who believe in some or most of these ideals then there are people who hate all of these ideals.  We need to do two things. One, convince the people who only believe in some of these ideas to believe in all them. There is a person out there who is all of these things and need all of thier rights. We don't need to see this person to believe in intersectionality. We need to believe that every human should have the same rights. Two, stop being bystanders to hate. Often we think of hate as these lager thighs like violince and this protest. However, it's small things like microaggressions, and racist jokes, or our immediate perceptions of people based on how they look.  Stepping up and saying this is not okay.  You are wrong, and here's why.  We might not be able to change everyone but for the few we can educate we can change them.  We need to push back against thier hate and not give them a platform.  Anything we can do to stop them, we must!

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