
Skit: #TransUpFront

Friday I was late to the trans liberation protest. I had to work. Need to make money now more than ever.  When I finally caught up to the protest they had just finished matching down State street which they took with out permit and with out permission as it should be. There was a marching band, and many white cis queers that love to pretend they give a dam about a minority's struggle. There where amazing signs and many QPOC and POC organizations that came out. My favorite chant was lead by Black Live Matter the Chicago chapter and BYC 100  " No Trump, No KKK, No Transphobic USA!" I love intersectional nature of this chant it encompasses a lot. No racism, no sexism, no xenophobia, no transphobia. I was proud that the black community realizes that equity for the black community means equity for all black people, not just cis, straight black folks. My friend, Milani Ninja spoke for her house and all ballroom houses and for the  Trans latina Coalition. Then X, who I know from Chicago Freedom Schools, spoke about what his liberation looks like.   It hah nothing to do marriage equality and everything to do with changing the Status Quo and equity. Vita E. was also there and asked us a series of questions one being "will we only show up when there's a body count attached?" If we answered no they had a list of demands for us to agree to and they wanted us to agree to them in writing.  I sent sent them a message this morning agreeing to their list of demands. This was the most powerful protest I have ever been to.  I never really felt part of the trans community. I identify as gender non binary not because I reject being female, I do to a certain extent. I also do ascribe to the healthy parts of masculinity. However, just don't feel like a women. I think it something you know you are, just like being bisexual. I know I'm bisexual but I have no idea what gender I am. I also choose to present female. I feel like choosing to present the sex I was assigned at birth even though I don't identify with it doesn't entitle me to be part of the trans community. I know that's not true but it's how I feel.  I'm afraid of taking up space and resources from people who deserve it. So I stayed towards the back of the crowed at the march and didn't speak up when they called for black trans people. I want people who need it to have access to the community. I'm fine with being a co-conspirator. I loved this march and will forever support the trans community and my trans friends.

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