
Skit: world AIDS/HIV day

I have at least 3 friends who have HIV. I love all of them dearly. Most of them got it while I knew them so it doesn't phase me. But I have seen so many doors close on them because they got this dieses. I have seen what it does to there mental state. How it effects almost every aspect of their life. But I have also seen them grow and be forced to change for the better. None of them are the same. Life with HIV is their new normal. One of them does HIV/ Aids advocacy  work now. One does ILL and okay political theater. One does fundraising and finical support work. All of them are in my opinion better now than they were when they were negative. They have all had opportunities they never would have looked for or been open to before.  Their mind frame about the whole issue and issues like it ( ie mental illness and other chronic scarless illness) They have an understanding and clarity of life like never before. They have learned so much like who their real friends are and peoples true colors. HIV isn't stopping my friends from living their life and it won't stop me from being part of theirs. I am negative they are positive and as long as it stays that way that's all that matters. I get asked a lot what would you do if something happened and you got it. Something crazy happened like a car accident happened and positive blood got into my negative blood and now I have it. First off treat it try not to get it but if for some reason that didn't work and I now have HIV I am still alive. I am alive and I would then have HIV. I would hope that however I got it in the car crash it was at least worth it. Like my friend tried to save me or I tried to save them. I would love them even more after the fact for saving my life that I wouldn't even be mad. Today I would like to stand with my friends who I love. I am not being an ally or a brave person. I am being a decent human being who stands by her friends when they get sick. That doesn't make me an ally it makes me a friend. A disease makes us sick not less than human. I would like to be part of the process to ending the stigma against people who are positive. Get tested very often and regularly. Know your status. Stay safe and stay healthy (whatever that may look like)

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