
Skit: the color of your skin and the value of a life

I am once again extremely sad to be American. There is so much that happens that we are unaware of. Our news doesn't report anymore and we don't go looking for the truth ourselves but every once and a while something happens that we can't ignore. Black people in this country keep getting shot lethally. They are unarmed young and painted in the worse light possible by the media after their death. Instead of as a victim of police brutality.  I understand police go out and risk their life everyday to keep the peace and every interaction they have with non police personal might be there last. They walk around in fear of everyone around them because of what they have seen what they know people are capable of.  Mean while people walk around just as afraid of them. I don't know much but I can recognize when a system is broken. They train cops to shoot to kill and everyone who is not white is taught by either their family or experience not to trust police.  Everything that is not white is scary every american knows that. The media has perpetrated this and even worse we ourselves have started to believe it. We have started acting the part. It is now a crime not to be white in America. You will be shot, treated as a terrorist, or deported for it. We don't need to fear one another and acting up in violent protest isn't going to help. I know we want to react. But we need to react peacefully. That is the best option for the long haul. I would like to live in a country free to dress how I please and be free of judgment and harassment. I want to live in a country where my love doesn't hinder my religious practices. I would like to live in a county where the color of my shin doesn't define me.

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