
skit: words words words

Hey guys so you know how I said I wasn't learning anything gay, well I lied.  I learned what polyamorous is. Is still doing know what aero spectrum is but I digress. Any way what is Polyamory? Polyamory is where you can love more than one person at once and/or be emotionally dating more than one person at a time. From what I understand of it ideal polygamy starts with ideal polyamory. I have to put ideal in there because theoretical someone who is polyamorous loves both people equally, thus nobody is shorthanded. All parties involved are given the same amount of love and treated the same. Same with ideal polygamy all partners are love and treated equally. However we are human and history has taught us that things that work in theory don't always work when applied. so even though I don't know if it works out this way in real life I am going to say at least 90% of the time it doesn't ( I mean statistics is not on their side). With all that being said I think that it is a really cool identity. I also think someone who truly identifies as this (not someone who just wants to sleep around that's something else completely) really is in touch with themselves. I mean you have to know yourself and the type of person you are to be able to say seriously and honest that you are polyamorous. You have to have a long conversation with yourself about yourself and how you love to know things like this about yourself. More importantly it had to be an honest one which nobody really wants to do. They think they do and they think they are being honest with themselves and they aren't. They are all liars. Because being honest with you is one of the hardest things to do. We like to lie to ourselves it makes us feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. (mmmmm hot piping steamy bowl of crap that we just served to our self mm it look good). Why because when you lie you are lying to yourself for your own personal gain. Like no theses jeans don't make me look fat and I am not overweight I am just finally growing some curves, but all of it is lies. it take more than strength to tell yourself the truth because if it is actually some deep stuff 9 times out of 10 its going to be something you don't even want to hear from God. So props to you for being able to talk to yourself. Then they had to explain it to the various people they are in love with and that could get messy. I am not going to lie I imagine that conversation going down like an episode of the Jerry Springer show. It doesn't look to classy in my head, thing don't go well. so just when you think our polyamorous friend is out of trouble there is one more unforeseen complication. They have to keep 2 people happy and treat them both equally.  I mean I know how hard it is to keep one women happy I couldn't imagine doing it with 2. I don't know about guys through. I just couldn't imagine how a male would react to being told that he has to share you with someone else. Polyamory people you’re the shit because you deal with way more that I could ever handle y'all got made relationship skills. That’s all I have to say about this post. I am going to a brunch today ( Sunday the 30th) if something cool happens maybe the next post will actually be a life post, but until then.
(is song is just odd it has nothing to do with post and i normally don't do covers but his voice makes the voice in my head scream at me to put it on here check him out)
Stay Fierce

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