
Skit: education reform?

this has nothing to do with the issue or how there striking but i thought it was funny because pony can't strike they do no work

I feel like I was going to write something else this week but when I sat down to write today I forgot what it was. I think it was going to be about something gay. Oh well. As you all know I live in the USA specifically the mid-west. And there is something interesting going on in my little region. Politics!!!! Oh yes the lying cheating and scheming continues in the bread bowl. My state in particular is very "good" at this. We have 4 governors in jail for various reasons.  Our mayors are a little better at staying out of jail but they still find themselves in hell of trouble. Like now are teachers are on strike because he increased the school day and didn't want to pay the teachers more money.  (I mean it's not effecting me cuz I'm in college but I loved 95% of all the teachers I've ever had and I think they should've been paid more money before the longer school day). But wait there’s more. The mayor hired a new ceo of cps (Chicago public schools) at twice the salary of the last guy (and trust me we are not getting our money’s worth). Then he was like let's increase the school day. And he passed this increase running on a platform of lies. Here was the idea (crap he fed to the uneducated parents): if we lengthen the school day then we can bring back art and music programs, library, recess. Our math and science scores will go up because we have more time in class. It sounds nice right but it's a load of bull believe me. To bring back art and music first you would need the funding. Because 90% of the time the cash isn't there. How are you going to have a program without the money to back it? You can have all the time in the world for art but when you can't even afford pen and paper (or to pay the teacher to teach the class). Moving on, he said test scores would go up because the kids will be in class longer, BS. Take it from someone who had the same class for about 2 hrs. a day just because the class is longer doesn't mean you learn more. You have the potential to but people don't always reach their potential. And last but not least the only truth to this speech of lies, the time will be spent mostly on recess. Not library but recess. Why because a library cost money that has been wasted higher up. It’s been wasted on administration and not even the ones in the school. No the people in central office who never see hear or come in contact with a kid. It's being wasted on the old ways instead of going with something new. They miss-manage and fall short all the time and then they leave the children to fend for themselves. And rather than just admit that they are doing a piss poor job they project the blame on to someone else. They blamed the teachers. It isn't their fault. It is our fault we as a people are failing. We are failing our children. The teachers are often the only people in the whole equation doing their job. The parents and the big business people are not holding up their end of the bargain. I may not be a parent but I am a child and I also am a teacher ( I teach kids to swim). As a teacher I know some of the tings these teachers go through trying to improve the life of a child that’s not even theirs. It seems to me from my own experience I am willing to do more for the child then the child’s own parent is. I support them, I listen to their problems, I help them settle their difference, I teach them, I help them find their way on this path called life, and yes I cry at their graduations ( even if it is just from kindergarten because yes that’s my baby). I to so many children I am their mom, dad, sister, brother, teacher, friend, and mentor. But I am only getting paid to teach. I go out of my way to try to do whatever I can whenever I can for these kids and their not even mine. If they are in a dangerous situation 9 times out of 10 they would rather call one of their teachers then there parents. But in the learning process not all children are as gun-ho about something as the teachers and they need the parents support. They need the parents to raises them and frame their values earlier on, because by the time that child is a teenager if they don’t value education by then they never will.  The system needs changing I agree but just like there are problems with the teachers there are bigger problems at home. The problems with the teachers most of the time has nothing to do with the teachers. Bad teachers are so rare. And when the teacher is bad all the students and faculty know it. if the principals and mayors care about weeding them out as much as they say they do then we don’t have this problem at all. The problem with the teachers is that they don’t have the support and they don’t have the funds. Their problems are they aren’t being paid enough because if they need something for class that the school hasn’t provided them they are going to go buy it for their kids out of their own pockets. They need to be paid more money for dealing with your precious little delinquents and going avoid and beyond their calling. Their problems are they don’t have the classroom space or size they need to begin to be able to teach effectively.  Their problems is they don’t have the resource that the Asian countries provided their children with because they understand the value of education. But there biggest problem is that they are being judged or told what to do by some suit who hasn’t seen a child or step foot into a classroom since they were in school. That no one, not even the children, understand the struggles they go through the sacrifices they make for a child that’s not theirs. (when the people who the children belong to aren’t willing to make the same sacrifices ) what really bother’s me is that the mayor Rahm has kids which he put in private school but never have I seen him with his kids herd that he does homework with his kids put just as much time into his own children that he wants the cps teachers to put into other peoples kids. What if the school day was equivalent to the time the average American parents is willing to spend with their child every day. I mean how can you ask someone else to spend more time in your child’s life then you are willing to? If you don’t want to be with them then why should someone else. What if we evaluated our teacher on how well they conveyed the information and our politicians on how much they actually improve the issues at had and leave us in a better state than they found us. We can’t impose rules on other people that we wouldn’t want on ourselves. the parents need to support the teachers in and out of the class room because for years the teachers have been supporting them. It is time to reciprocate and make this change for education that we so desperately need but it isn’t going to happened unless we stop focusing on the teachers and start focusing on ourselves. 

so i was in resource center and i couldn't pick a song so we decided on something gay sounding the sound is call colors.  this is gay.  if you don't like it not my fault 

Stay fierce 

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