
Libras, scales, seesaws, and other balancing devices

Hip Hip Hip Horah Yes Yes Yes your gay. so i don't know how many times i am going to say it but i am Bisexual. ( i guess i will say it every time it is relevant and i feel like i should bring it back up). being bi i feel like i try to keep a balance between both sides of me and the different often opposing aspects of my life. i have myself which is the real me all the time and i feel like that is pretty balanced. however i do find it very difficult to present a balanced version of myself to the outside world. i mean they can't fallow me around 24/7  and see me. they can only see  what i present to them. often they only get to see one side of me because that side fits in more in that situation. thus they label me one thing or the other because they don't get the full package. for example one of my clubs is made up mostly of women i share a lot of their experiences naturally because i am a girl. so i do like shoes and hot guys ( yes that is stereotypical but it is for a point so hold your horses) so today they called me femy and said " you must be the girl in the relationship right". No that is one of the things I hate the most being labeled in to a position in a relationship by people I will never, have never been in a relationship with. Most of the time I go by no label because I feel freer, less constricted. I don’t want to conform to a label I might be a square today but I might be a triskaidecagon ( a 13 side geometric figure/ polygon you have to remember I am a nerd lol) later. if I had to choose a label for myself it would be stem. (stud and fem basically the same thing as power versed) yeah I am just a little fence sitter hahaha. However, I am having the hardest time keeping the balance between the stud side and the fem side.  But that’s all going to change because like I tell you guys being fierce is about staying true to yourself every single piece and every side. I know balance is hard to find and even harder to master but with the right scale it is achievable.
 I went to a dance on Saturday I think. I mean it was a really busy day. I had make signs for Night of Noise. I got up supper early (cuz I refuse to drive I hate it ). I am pretty sure that it rained and I got wet and had a mini melt down cause my hair got ruined ( I probably just blow dried it back to sexiness) I mean I couldn’t have a full melt down there was a pretty girl there. I know I sent way too much time getting ready and running around like a chicken with my head cut off ( freaking out because the same pretty girl was going to be at the dance). Oh wait * side note the signs still turned out nice even though they got rained on. And after we did some sign making we did some Tia food eating. They forgot the salad option that my friend asked for but it was cool because we decide to be fat any way. forget salad* I was late to the dance but it was cool cause no one gets to a dance on time except the people throwing it. I am sure I had a good time.  But I don’t know for sure yet because it is Wednesday (the worse day of the week cuz I have the hardest time every time trying to spell this shit) 4/11 about 9:30 so none of this has happened yet but I am pretty sure this is how things will play out. I will tell you guys what actually happened next week from today which is 4/18 so you will find out on 4/25 or earlier if I really can’t contain myself.

leave me comments i am so serious, and stay supper Fierce 

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