
Skittles: desire mapping friends

Therapist wants me to list qualities I want in a friend. So in no particular order:

1. Loyal
2. Honest
3. Trustworthy
4. Queer
5. POC
6. One shared interested
7. Fulfills a need
8. Makes time for me
9. Reaches out too
10. Interesting
11. Holds my attentions
12. concise in their explainions
13. Concise in their stories
14. Listens to understand
15. Active listening skills
16. Good communication skills
17. Gives me space and time to feel my feelings
18. Unique from my other friends
19. Likes brunch
20. Drinks or smokes weed
21. Parties
22. Snuggly
23. Working on themselves
24. Understand mental illiness
25. Our politics align
26. Respects me
27. Our social beliefs align
28. Listens to a variety of music
29. Understanding of my hetic schedule
30. Invites me out despite my hectic schedule
31. We can talk about our sex life
32. Exposes me to new things
33. Can go long periods without speaking or seeing each other but pick up where we left off
34. Shows up when they say they will 75% of the time
35. Communicates changes in plans at least an hour ahead of time when they need to cancel or change plans
36. Tries to reschedule cancelled plans. 
38. Considerate of my time
39. likes to talk/ text
40. Remembers my birthday
41. Respects my boundaries
42. Challenges me
43. Will point out things I am clearly missing in a situation
44. Communicates directly and straight forward, blunt even
45. Humors me
46. Funny
47. Caring
48. Nice
49. Picks up the vibe like if I break out into song will sing along with me if they know the words
50. Can be silly
51. Hygienic
52. Open minded
53. We have a bond or connection
54. I want to be around them
55. They want to be around me
56. Adventurous
57. I can cry around them
58. They make me feel safe
59. I feel like I can be my whole self around them
60. We can sit in silence together comfortably
61. Organize
62. Android and Google product user
63. Makes the plans some of the time
64. Is equitable about paying when we go out
65. Pays me back when they barrow money
66. Tries to resolve conflict instead of win the fight
67. Respects consent
68. I feel like they understand me
69. Willing to come to me or meet me half way some of the time
70. We can just run errands together.
71. Gives me their undivided attention sometimes
73. Prioritizes our friendship
74. Encourages me.
75. Supportive of my growth
76. I get something I value out of the friendship.
78. They get something they value out of the friendship
79. Transparent
80. Optimistic 
81. Consistent
82. Reasonable
83. Fun
84. I can take them to work events
85. Let's me stay over
86. I can meet people who are important to them
87. Gets along with some of my other friends
88. They can meet my family
89. Holds me accountable 
90. If we go somewhere together will make sure I'm safe with friends before leaving me
91. I trust them
92. Wants the best for me
93. Thinks of me even when we're not together
94. Let's me know they were thinking of me
95.  Reciprocates
96. Has a different lived experience thus different point of view than me
97. Kind
98. Cool
99. Helpful
100. Appreciative and respectful of my good nature, kindness and consideration. 

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