
Skittles: survival of the laziest

So I worked at the ice rink today which isn't what  I normally do. There was like 15 of us. We're closing for the night so we got to clean up. I'm finishing up my task and I found my coworkers Brian singing and cleaning in 1 of the last 3 room. They were the dirtiest out of the 12. He has the voice of an angel by the way sounds like Sam Smith. Anyway I noticed that it was pretty empty and I was wondering where my co workers went. I found them eating all the food. They had finished the last two XL pizzas and there were only 5 hotdogs left and 2 pretzels.  I had 2 hotdogs. I mentioned that 1 of co-workers could sing and they spent a few minutes trying to figure out who it was. After that we're all leaving. There were only 4 of us left in the building not counting Brian. I was wondering when Brian was. I ask who was the guy with dark hair and glasses. After spending a couple minutes of name that white guy (Kevin, Matt, Brad, Zach)  we realized it Brian. They were all convinced that Brian had left. I was like no the last time I saw him he was cleaning. They were like no he's gone and they were turning out the lights. Then Brian came out of the last room he was assigned to clean like
Brian: "hey! Why are the lights out?"
Everyone else: "Oh  shit we almost locked Brian in."
Brian:"where is everybody?" 
Me:"They  all ate all the food, clocked out and left. "
Brian: *in disbelief goes to check* " Y'all didn't leave me any?"
Evan *the manager*: "You're a trooper. Best employee buddy that should be enough of a reward."
Me: " Don't try to play it off like you didn't forget about him and almost lock him in." 🤣
Brian: "Man, 😑 I quit I'm not even coming back tomorrow. "
Evan: "We weren't going to lock you in we only turned off the lights cuz then anyone still here would shout and we would know someone is still here."
Brian: "I  was in one if the rooms I wouldn't have noticed till I came out and couldn't see. "
Me: " I say you quit and join 1 of singing shows. When they ask you what prompted you to do the competition you can tell about this."
Brain: "And  years later when I'm famous I'll give an interview on about how my coworkers did me wrong and that gave me the motivation to be rich and famous."
Evan: " You can't be rich year later an be still salty.
Me: "Yes you can. Have a salinity higher than the dead sea. The new saltiest body of water is now Brian. You did all that hard work best out of all of us and didn't get any food. Only lazy people got to eat." *Shaking my head*🤣
Brian: " Imma be mad with my millions."

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