
skit: decorations, lights, music, corn?

have been promising a post about me and my new life for a while and I guess this can be that post. I went to my first official party last week. Actually I went to a mini party then the next day I went to real one. It is really strange that people start partying on Thursday. Thirsty thursegays is what my people call it here. It’s kinda funny to watch. My mini party I had with one of my science clubs. You wouldn't think that engineers party but they do. And when they do they don't act like the smart people they are in class. In fact they make a lot of bad decisions I guess when you can't get a defiant quantitative answer (aka take away their calculator) they just go screw go with whatever feels right (which if you been in any of my math class or science class you know your instincts are horribly wrong so don't pick that answer). okay so first off it shouldn't take 2 engineers to move a couch from one room to another while 6 other engineers give them science directions like rotate the couch 7π/6 radians with respect to angle theta such that a theta is the integrals of cosine when the hypotenuse is the couch after its been rotated and the position you will take when its rotated makes up the other leg of the triangle. (which in English means rotate the couch 210° counter clockwise relative to you or turn the couch till it fits through the door) it shouldn't be that hard so I mean I should have known that they should not be allowed to make decisions without having it approved by mom first. Its kinda cray. But they do. So they decided it was a good idea to drink and carve pumpkins. then after we carved them and had a few drinks they were like let’s put candles in the pumpkins turn the lights off and have a dance party (mind you the floor is carpeted and everything in the place was flammable it is pure luck that the apartment complex didn't burn down) I left before anything happened but they continued well into the twilight hours like they didn't have class next day. (They did and man were they hung over and the was a dance that night so they had to sober up quick so that they could get wasted all over again) I don't even have to tell you all that not everybody made it out of that apartment unscaved there were some injuries. But who am I to judge because I made some bad choices myself the very next day. I decide to go to a dance even though I had a ton of work to do for work the next day, which starts at 8 and involves me teaching children. (Bad decision making 101 rights here) I even had to leave work early to go and I almost got in trouble. But it was totally worth it. It was a barn dance and the music was awesome (partly because my friend was the D.J) but mostly cuz he kept me dancing. I was with all my new crazy friends. We have the man whore who's always hooking up (we had just got there and 15mins later we find them making out in the corner with some random chick) we have the wallflower who just stood around we had the couples who were freakin' inseparable. We had the party animal that was all over the place. the dancer, and the one who gets way too drunk, we had the responsible drunk who can still keep it together even though they are wasted (not like drive but keep us together and notices when someone goes missing without saying something) then we have me the fun one who ties everything together (basically I bring the party) it was so fun. There was a hayride and a bon fire which got a few drunks very sober very quickly. I was loud and proud I danced and had a really good time. It wasn't quite like back home but change is good. Overall barn dance was a night I will always remember one of those you had to be there to get it type things. Because words make it seem less that it was and it was a lot more than our language accounts for. ( here is one of the songs that i actually loved the from barn dance robyn)


Anonymous said...

Aw, this was a really nice post. In idea I would like to put in writing like this additionally – taking time and actual effort to make a very good article… but what can I say… I procrastinate alot and by no means seem to get something done.

J skittles said...

I am a little confused on what your are saying. are you saying that i should put more time in to make a good article. or are you saying that you like that i put in time and effort in to my post. I am not trying to be rude i am genuinely am confused. If you could get back to me because piece of feedback helps.
J Skittle