
Skit: end of the year nonsense

if you don't know i am recent high school graduate just in case you couldn't tell how old i am by my writing or the topics. and in the last few days ( actually this all happened like a week ago my time but like 3 weeks ago your time) a lot of people have come to speak to us. they have offered words of advice and to bring some meaning to what might seem like a worthless pass four years.  the two adults who spoke to us, one after prom at our grad practice and one at graduation, gave what i believe to be great advice that i would like to summarize and share with you. don't get a tat on you face, don't steal a chevy caprice it is most likely an undercover police car, say yes to things you normally wouldn't, say no to stupid bad or otherwise unproductive things, don't blow your money but don't be afraid to spend you money on stupid things, fail with class and grace ( that means fail but learn something from it),  listen to your parents ( because life is a video game and they have already played all of the levels and won), leave your mark on the world because not every one is special but you all have been bread for greatness and you should not sell yourself anything short of that, and please please please don't make the world any worse because the good and the evil people end up in the history books. my fav quote right here " you are from Chicago so you have a 50/50 shot of going either way. so if you going to be an evil master mind one of you class mates may end up arresting you how's that for a 50th reunion story". i personally though all of this was great advice especially the later because my teacher always joke that they are going to have to re open Alcatraz just for us because we are some kind of " special". okay so why am i bring all of this up. well other than the fact that my class is bad ass and we are the world's last graduating class. (hahahahaha Armageddon) my class, as one of our student speakers said, is nothing short of superlative in fact our mayor think that there might not a word to describe the quality of the person that a graduating paytonite is. and right there i run in to my problem i have work my butt off these pass for years but i don't feel anywhere close to superlative. i don't even feel average. i feel meager at best around my class. i looked to m y left and my right ( i was near last to graduate due the crazy system they imposed since we aren't ranked) however there still was no shortage of exemplary people.  just in my advisory (home room) there are some of the most amazing people i have ever know. they  have talked to foreign world leaders, designed policies, broken down boundaries, and challenged conventional thinking. these people i have had the joy to share my pass four years with are the shit, and they have left there mark on my school. weather it be through awards won or lives touched. but i what have i done? i really wish i could hit redo so that i could do something great and feel the way i know the rest of my class does. i was so sure of what i was going to be when i grew up and now that i am suppose to be taking my first steps in that direction am like a child to afraid to take that first step. when our last speaker said that the pass for years has set up the out line of who we are going to be for the rest of lives i was worried. but when i look back on my 4 years all i see in my head are my friends smiles and i don't exactly know what that means buts it was consoling enough to give me the strength to walk a cross the stage after my friend Maria. my out line maybe set and knowing me it is probably very vague but what is an out line. just a group of ideas. and i may feel meager at best but i am trying to look at it like this. the sun ( in the winter) takes for freaking ever to rise ( like till 9 some times and that means before then it be cold and dark as fudge) but it rises eventually and it warms our planet. it is a necessary part of life here but it isn't even the biggest or the brightest. it is meager at best but it still finds a way to be important and stand out among all the other stars ( take that Sirius :P ) maybe i won't be Sirius but i will be a sun to warm some little planet :) and i think i will do a song just cuz music
stay fierce 

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