
Skit: "friends" and drama

my board members lol 
okay so i am going to let you guys into my life cuz i need a second opinion. so i am this board of sorts. like any board there are some people who get along better than others. anyway there are people on my board that i thought i got along with, i thought we were "friends". you know work  friends people you really like at work and you could see yourself getting along with even outside of work but never actually hang out with outside of work. well me and this board just held a conference that did not go so well. long story short there is a lot of tension between members now. even among friends. the problem is this board has to plan a social functional and that means we have to work together.  which is hard to do when we just had a, well not a huge fall out but a sizable one. we can not work together if we want to kill each other we have to bring it down to a light maul. so we have to do this retreat thing. i want to do the retreat don't get me wrong but i think it is going to ruin "friendship".  think about it this way, we are basically going to take turns addressing problems we have with each other. i know that doesn't sound so bad but it is, because it is a systematic attack. so emotions are going to run high and people are going to say things they might not really mean. i know personally unless i go first after being attacked be my fellow board members for about 5 mins i am going to be super enraged  and i am not going to care about anyone's feelings not even my "friends". so i thought hey you know i have "friends" on this board let me talk to them individuality that way they don't feel like i am attacking hem in front of everybody then throwing them on the bus. i mean that is what i would want from my friends if they were angry at me i would prefer to hear it from them in private then in front of everybody else. that way it is just me and them. less people , fewer ways to hurt a persons feelings. so i tried that with one of the people on the board we are going to call them Lacy. any way because Lacy doesn't have a cell phone at the time and my laptop web cam was being a jerk i decide to talk to them via face book chat. Now let me tell you, me and Lacy got along fine up till this very moment we even text-ed sometimes not about work stuff. i really like Lacy they are mad cool. the only problem i have with Lacy is that They say some things that aren't quite politically correct and other members get offend and complain to me. so i was just tell Lacy that some people find some of the people on the board find things you say offensive, though i personally think your funny. try to remember that there are sensitive people on the board. then Lacy to me to bug off and un-friended me and hasn't talked to me since despite me trying to contact them. i mean i don't get why they are so upset that was put in a very nice way i could have been like i hate you because every time you open your mouth you piss somebody off and i have to defend you because you don't understand how to work with people. but i didn't i was good. can anybody help me make sense of why Lacy is so upset with me. 

okay so by now i know you guys have seen the video. i know i am fat and i suck at public speaking. lol no i know i am the sexyest person you have every seen but try not to drool. lol that will be the only video blog you will ever get from me because i hate being on camera. i might do a video where i am talking in the background and you can see what i see but you won't be able to see me. i hope things with the board get better because N.O.N is my favorite event of the year. dance party protest, YES! but it won't be a very good N.O.N if we can't get it together. idk why we don't realize that we, what we do, is bigger than ourselves and we need to act that way at least 75% of the time. ( i can't say 100% of the time because i can't even pull that off myself so how can i ask something of others that i can't do myself). but i digress. i will keep you guys posted. leave comments Stay Fierce

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