
Skit: three platonic love stories

I has accrued to me that I don't really write about how three main platonic relationships have matured and change over the years and with this move that I made. Well first things first I don't get to spend much time with them anymore. I mainly spent my time between Husband number seven and Jerbear but when I spent time with Lafabulous we crammed a lot in. My relationship with my 7th husband has changed the most without really changing at all. In high school we faked dated so our parents wouldn't find out us we were gay. Then we went to the same University and lived four blocks from each other. We had a key to each other's place. He got there a week before me to help people move in. I arrived 5 days before any of my other roommates so I had a huge place all to myself and to be honest I was a little scared. So I spent those 5 nights with my husband and that basically how we became so close. I think we force the other to explore things that we never knew existed. He and I are sometimes seem like polar opposites of each other but it works for us. He opens my eyes to classical music in all its forms. He challenges me with philosophy. Shows me art that I would never have gone looking for on my own. Shows me world politics things most Americans couldn't give to cents about. He makes me a worldlier person. I show him love. I open his eyes history as it is evolving now. I bring him the simple things in life and teach him to enjoy them. I teach him the politics of everyday people not as we should be ideally but how we are. We make each other better and it’s been a relationship of crossing boundaries as we come to them not that we had a lot beforehand. Unlike me and Jerbear. I would say he started out more reserved than I. Which is hard because I'm hard to infiltrate than area 51. But he wouldn't even cuddle with me at first. It took me maybe a couple months to earn his trust but it took a year before we could snuggle up and watch a movie. A whole year!!! But I feel like the wild person inside of me connects most with Jerbear. It is hard for me to relax and just have a good time because I have some many things going on plus my appearance is everything to me ( for work related reason). But Jerbear just makes me forget about it all and not care. When I am with Jerbear I can let my hair down and live in the moment. I know everyone wants me to be the girl who when she finally lets loose dances on a table or dose something like that. That would at least give me a reason to be so uptight, if I got too wild to handle, not the case. Jerbear and I get drunk and bake cookies and make cute little crafts for our pets. His hedgehog has the cutes little booties after that one time Binny's had a buy on get one free on every item in the store. We also made his mom a delicious pineapple upside down cake. See I get crazy wild drunk.... in the kitchen or Joanna's fabrics. Sometimes I just get crazy like weird, and that's where Lafabulous comes in. More and more I feel like only people I am very close with can understand me or tolerate my high levels of strangeness. When my strange levels hit maximum it is time for a cram session with Lafabulous. Our relationship never had boundaries. I feel like I have created them as we went along, like no photo bombing my video conferences without being fully clothed. My friends on Skype were not ready prepare for my shirtless friend in the background cat calling them. Lafabulous lets me be strange, different, and odd and that's normal for us. We watch Netflix or play video games, drink drinks, order or make food, and talk about why Obama isn't a cat and would he still have a dog as a pet if he were. I can be introverted with him. Our talks have gotten deeper and more serious over the years. I have learned a lot about myself because we think out loud when we are together. It is usually through his strange ideas that find something out about myself. Talking it out and really challenging the other to go that extra mile mentally and try to and something. But we aren't all work and no play we try not to take ourselves to seriously I say I don't want to get up and greet the sun today he says we can stay in bed until we get hungry. I say we could go to the club but we have all the ingredients we need to make cookies he says why you even brought up the club like it was an option. Not to say I actually socialize when I with Jerbear or my husband. I think there are two things all of these relationships have in common: one we spend a lot off time in bed now. Two we consume a lot of sweets together (basically chocolate chip cookies). I also change and grow with them. I love them. I don't get to see them as often as I once did but I still need them in my life. Despite the fact that they are all basically at the end of their careers in university I think our relationships will remain strong. We are moving on and I think these friendships will move with them. 

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