
skittles: desire mapping a partner

My therapist wants me to list 100 things I want in a partner. So in order of how they came up and not in order of importance here we go
  1. Optimistic
  2. Loyal
  3. Honest
  4. Nice
  5. Kind
  6. Queer
  7. Person of color
  8. Trans+
  9. Six figure salary 
  10. I can wear some of their clothes
  11. Understanding
  12. Empathic
  13. Likes to travel
  14. I find them attractive
  15. Interesting
  16. Smart
  17. Sweet
  18. Hopeless romantic
  19. Does grand gestures 
  20. Reciprocates
  21. Has a pet
  22. Has plants
  23. Has hobbies
  24. Is in shape
  25. Transparent
  26. Good influence on my emotional growth
  27. Foodie
  28. Active
  29. Calm 
  30. Calming
  31. Trustworthy
  32. Down with the movement
  33. More than political liberal
  34. Was or is currently an activist
  35. Goes to protest
  36. Participates in the queer community
  37. Likes a variety of music
  38. Can introduce me to new music
  39. Techy 
  40. Nerdy
  41. Like games
  42. Imaginative
  43. Healthy boundaries
  44. Good communication skills
  45. Fixes instead of fighting
  46. Polyamorous
  47. Funny
  48. Can dance
  49. Makes me feel safe 
  50. I can always come home to them
  51. Fun
  52. Self advocates
  53. Creative
  54. Beautiful eyes
  55. Freckles
  56. Likes scritches
  57. Cuddly
  58. Sleep conscious
  59. Older than me 
  60. Nice butt
  61. College degree 
  62. Sees a therapist
  63. Believes in science
  64. Works on improving themselves
  65. Likes sweets
  66. Can cook
  67. Open to trying new things
  68. Tidy
  69. Organized
  70. Is at a stable place in there life
  71. Is free from human dependants 
  72. Doesn't mind doing the dishes
  73. has dish washer 
  74. Washes their rice
  75. Only has allergy restrictions for there food diet
  76. Has a regular hygiene routine and smells nice
  77. Can sing not like amazingly but average
  78. Likes make up
  79. Has goals 
  80. Uses Google service like calander and stuff
  81. Has at least one thing that they are passionate about and know a lot about that thing
  82. Matches my sex drive
  83. Responsible
  84. Reasonable
  85. Can make a follow a plan
  86. Consistent
  87. Considerate
  88. Text back promptly
  89. Likes to talk on the phone 
  90. Understand that Instagram is not real life
  91. Isn't keeping up with the Kardashians but knows pop culture
  92. Is comfortable to cuddle
  93. Respectful of others boundaries
  94. Cool
  95. Nice smile
  96. I have to like their voice
  97. Drinks
  98. Mouth tastes good (not like cigarettes)
  99. Has work life balance
  100. confident but not hubris/arrogant

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