
Skittles: motivation.

Recently my dad asked me what motivates me. What makes me wake up and keep going when things are hard. I looked puzzled and confused. After a second I said my fault. But honestly, I don't know, I've just been going through the motions with no drive. I have an end goal but no real reason to get there other than it would be a better life than mine now. I decided I would think about this. I have decided that love motivates me. Both platonic, when my life is full of close friends I spend a lot of 1 on 1 time with or romantic love. I thrive when I'm sincerely in love. I suffer when I'm not. I am more productive, happy, and caring when I'm in love. I'm dead inside otherwise. I'm constantly thinking about love, actively trying to find love, and I do well when I have it. I think love is what motives me and with out it to fill me I am just a hallow reanimated corpse.

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