
Skittles: who is Latka

I know, I know I mentioned him about a week ago and never did a follow up story. I'm doing that now though.

Latka and I met while I was at UIUC. I believe we met my second year in 2013. That's when all the scared queer freshman realize that they want to hang out with other queers instead of straight people. So now we're all sophomores but all the ones who were out and involved freshman year already have a click and were very picky about who we let in our click. We were the cool queers hanging out with the upperclassmen. We don't need any newbies coming in and embarrassing us. I was already in a click, already an intern, already working to make my other campus job more queer friendly, and already a badass. I was picked to be queen of the gays at the end of my freshman year by usurping the previous queen. So I was a big deal. Everyone else wasn't. I had already started creating programs for incoming freshman to get them involved from day one so that they too could be a big deal by their sophomore year.

However, I also saw how the senior class that had just graduated was extremely divided and held a lot of animosity for one another. So one of goals was to get my graduating class to graduate friends. So I started hosting parties to keep us together. Not too close to create drama, but close enough that we were all loosely friends. However, not all queer sophomores partied so I had to get to know them and bring them in by hanging out in our resource center. This is how I met Latka. Through basically living in our resource center. It was also around that time the sophomores that didn't party started a new student run organization. As intern I should have helped but I was busy. After they did become an org (That foused on our trans and non binary stundents) I had to attend their weekly meetings and their board meetings. Latka was on the board. So we became friends. He also eventually joined my favorite student orgs OSTEM.

We both liked to cook and even had a freindlyish competition over who's chili was better during friendsgaying. I won. We wouldn't hang out too much while I was at UIUC but we stayed friends after I left. I eventually asked him to be my kink group's executive administrator (assistant). That made us very close, as the whole board is extremely tight knit. Latka stated sending me postcards like once every 2 months just to check on me. I eventualy went to visit one winter break. We have visited each other at least 2 more times since then.

So this August (2017) I noticed something very small that they said during one of our phone calls or text convos that made me think at one point Latka had a crush on me. So I asked him about it and he said he's liked me for a while. We talked about it, me mainly concerned with why he didn't tell me, and him trying to get me to drop it. I won again. We talked about dating at some point in the future and how to make that work given his situation. He's at home with his dad who's not very trans friendly. Probably republican if I had to guess. Latka is working and taking classes to further himself before he joins the work force in his desired field. Also he lives two states over.

We had this running joke for a while where I would ask everyday if today was "yes day" the day they say yes to being in a relationship with me. During one of our calls I asked if yes day had a time I could point to on a clock and he said "yes just don't ask me what day it is." I said I would Send them a calender ( the warwick rowers calendar) where I pick the day and time for yes day. They sarcastically agreed. To which I responded in child like form no takies backies. So on a day of my choosing in 2018 we will be in a relationship. Thus why I refer to Latka as my future partner.

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