
Skittles: follow up to Amoriartii Withdrawl

I didn't get to go to Amoriartii's birthday dinner.  Not becuase I chose not to go, but becuase instead I had to spend my day in the ER and missed my flight.  But I think it's best this way.  I need to ask them why they felt the need to lie to me so obviously. Or lie to me at all.   I need to know where thier head is at.  I'm not over it.  I don't know if I miss them or miss being a power couple. We could have run a small country together.  We could have accomplished more than we could ever imagine.  I am a builder and a driver.  They have vision and influence.  They could decide were they wanted to go and I could get us there then grow beyond their wildest dreams. I know how to make theoretical reality.  I'm just to lazy  and indecisive to have the fore sight to create my own projects.  So part of me wonders do I miss them or what we could have been.  It's not often I find someone who's ideas I believe in enough to create with them.  They have to bring something I've never seen before to the table.  I don't deal with dime a dozen type people. So I worry that I'm also ruined. I've raised my standards of what I exspect. Are they too high?  I crave the unforgettable. I desire to stand behind, fiercely support, drive, and work with the trail blazers. The ones who are unstoppable but need help with the steps to blaze the new way. I need more one in a million people in my life. Jonesing for a fix.  I'm addicted to bad ass revolutionaries.

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