
Skit: Gordic Gryffindor

Dear Gordic,
       I have recently found out from my friend that they showed you my blog about year and half ago. I find myself wondering if you still read it. If your still curious about me. If you still wonder how I am doing? If you wonder if I think about you. You're one of the only people I know I would willingly let read this blog. I probably would have eventually told you about it. I still look at your tumblr every once and a while. No, I don't still have the password I just like to look at it. It is comforting in a way.  I don't quite know what to say. You have known all this time and didn't say anything. You know how I feel about you. You knew I lied when you asked me about Myles. You knew I was jealous of Tiffany (girls generation), and you knew why. I know I was right about you and Tiffany too. I feel satisfied and pissed(jealous). You knew. I don't know why I just didn't tell you when you asked. I don't know why I let things get so bad. I don't know why I didn't say goodbye. But you were always so patient with me. When I was mean to you, you weren't mean back. Thank you. I owe you so much for how you treated me this year and how awful I was to you. If I had the confidence I would tell you face to face. However, their is so much distance between us now we can't even sit in the same room alone together and be nice. (Remember that time we sat in silence in the center for an hour). Its all my fault. You mean so much to me even when I am angry at you. I like Book of Mormon  but not enough to spend $300 on a day in Chicago to see it. I went for the two hour car ride back. That was the highlight of my day. That was worth it. I still am afraid of telling you I like you. Even though you know. I will say I am sorry next time I see you. I hope you still have some forgiveness left. I am sorry for lying, for spreading rumors, for being mean and for hurting your feelings. You deserve better than that. We still should probably talk face to face, maybe work it all out. Because under everything and through it all I still care about you. I want you to be happy and I miss talking to you. Would you believe me if I said you're still the person I trust the most. Don't let me fool you, your words still mean a great deal to me. I listen when you talk. And I worry about you from a far. I want to cheer you up after a shitty test and I want to know how your doing. Your still the only one I allow to call me Jess. I don't know if we can ever be friends again. But if we can talk this out one day face to face, and you still want to, I will try to be the good friend I use to be.


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