
Skit: break up slam

if i sent you a poem to tell you how i felt
would it make more sense then
adding rhythm and rhyme
to add depth to a line
because when the words come out of my mouth
they don’t seem to have the same effect
as when i write them down
perform them
do you think more thought goes into them
because i take the time to move my fingers across a bigger keybored
instead of just texting to you
why should the method or mode of communication determine the severity of the words
if i write them down beforehand
does that me the words on the paper yield a greater emotional value
than the ones coming out of my mouth
off the top of my head
if anything thing
i think the value of honesty in the words depreciates
from the time i write them down
to the time i send them to you
because the real words
flying out of my mouth before i can run it through the filters for political corrections
those are the truth
and the reality of the situation is
you would rather have some pretty lies mixed with some cleaned up half truth
then my whole raw unprocessed honesty
if the paper could talk
would it tell you all the pretty lies you really want to hear?
because this piece of paper is what you would rather talk to
than me
and i think it is about time we have a conversion of own
completely unedited and uncensored
so that all the “bullshit of i am sorry when you're really not” doesn’t get through
i want your heat of the moment
you hothead temper
with quick wit and a quicker wip of a tongue
does she even exist anymore
no, not no more

maybe this peices of paper will show you
not everything could be fixed through written text
sometimes spoken word is a necessity
starting and ending with some slam
looks like we have come full circel
looks like you just don’t know me anymore
and i don’t get you no more
i love poetry just as much as the next but really
i am not that needy
i don’t make insane demands
if it is poetry you want then poetry you will get
i hope it helps you understand

i wish i could blame our problem on separation and distance
but really the only thing dividing us is a pen
and a piece of paper
our divide is paper thin
but feels like mountains and valleys are between
and it will take the force of a moving mountin
to tear this paper apart
i honestly can’t believe paper was stronger than us
stronger than what was in our hearts.

me and my most recent ex have been broken up for a while now actually, but i heard this song playing on NICS: Los Angles (which i don't watch but my dad does. i personally perfer the original) and i had to write. i just felt compelled to get out all these words in my head that kept popping up as the song played. it wasn't till after i was done writing did i read it and go ( this suck not really) this is about my ex. i thought it ever fitting to be the end of the end considering how we began. she asked me out through poetry and we solved our problems through poetry. the first time she said she loved me was in poem. so i thought after writing this what a couth way to end it all and i figured i would share it (more of my bad poetry) with you. here is the song by the way > No more
oh ps just in case you were wondering when i update my blog it is at noon central daylight time and on wednesday. if you are wondering how the summer schedule is going to be like. i am not sure yet. i have been writing a lot lately so there is a lot waiting to be posted. due to this back log i won't have to modify my writing until probably mid July. presently 5/29 i have about 3 weeks of stressful school left (and stress yields writing) so we will see how much goes down before school ends and then when i actually get to my summer vacation i will know how busy i will be. i will also be able to better gauge my laziness. so short answer i don't know but maybe i will be able to tell you half way through July in which case it will only be modified for a month and then i will have an all new schedule for college. 

Stay Fierce

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