
Skit: duality and lables

Okay so i am kinda late. My bad. Normally i write a blog beforehand and schedule it to post on Wednesday, but i forgot to write on ahead of time this week. i even forgot that it was Wednesday until about noon yesterday. However, i did remember that i still have to blog this week so lucky you guys. The reason i forgot to blog in the first place was that i was so busy. i have school, family, work, clubs, and theater i mean that keeps me pretty busy. Thankfully, i am not so busy that i cannot stop and notice things. i noticed in my little metropolitan area that i live in that people are still hesitant about coming out of the closet. However, it is not for the formal or as some people call it the conversational reason. They fear isn't that they won't be accepted or that they will be met with resistant. The fear is that they will be labeled homosexual and that is all they will ever be to people. I have to agree once you come at as Queer it is a major thing to most people and that is all they see you as.  It is very difficult to live a life with multiple layers and labels because some labels tend to over shadow all other. Like this character in my play, I think his name is Reilly. Reilly has I 3 dominant labels that are conflicting when you think about them stereotypically. He is A Football jock, Smart, and Gay. What I know of Reilly ( for I know very little haven’t read all of the script) he handles these labels very well not letting any one layer be more dominant than the other. Instead of letting, the labels be like layers they are more like gears a movements in a clock, not functioning unless all of the pieces work together equally. In a clock, one gear or piece isn’t more important or dominant than the other because the clock as a whole can function without all of pieces. Reilly wouldn’t be himself he would not functions as the character he is without all of his labels his pieces. You can let your labels be layers and be the definition of who you are, or you can be a clock and let the labels bring about a functional beautiful piece of art. I personally like to choose a third option called no labels because I enjoy quite a flux in my life where I go back and forth between extremes, never quite being in a grey area. I don’t like to label myself or as I see it pulling myself apart and sort me into groups. That idea that I can be sorted just bothers me so I tell myself I am me. I am who I am, not pieces or labels,  I am whole person. People can label me but I will not label myself I refuse to limit myself in such a way. Be who you want to be because you can’t control the people around you. So if you are gay and want to be flamboyant with it without letting it become who you are then do that. Like I said last week be FIRCE. 

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