
#Werk misconceptions: Bi-spin off ep1

I only came here for the puns. Half of my life as a bisexual (things that only relate to my sexuality not my entire life) are bisexual puns. The other half is finding a lot of people attractive but being to awkward to do anything about it.

"Being bisexual is just a phase."
It's probably not a phase, but I understand where this one comes from.
I have found that a lot of men in my generation, millennials, came out as bisexual first. I would like to point out that in my experience every gay boy that came out as bisexual first was fully aware that he was 100% homosexual. For some reason people (parents, family, friends, ect) tend to react to coming out as bisexual better. There's less of a chance of complete rejection, hate, and physical violence. It is often safer to come out as bisexual first and ease people into tolerance for acceptance of the queer community. When I told my Dad, he was happy because " I still have a chance at n having grand children." I understand that he wants biological grandchildren. But my sexuality no matter what it is completely rules out biological grandchildren. Also any parent who loves their child less based on the contingencies of marriage and grand children is shitty. I would hope a parent loves their child and what's best for them which includes what will make them the happiest.
Sexuality evolves with the person. People continue to change until they die. One of the things that can change along with taste in food, music, and fashion, is taste in people (sexuality is part of that). What someone is attracted to may widen, narrow, fluctuate, or cease to matter all together. A 16 year old boy is attracted to highschool girls. It would be ridiculous and perverse if that same man at 32 was still attracted to girls who looked like they were (and might still be in) highschool. When it comes to attraction for personality someone drawn to, what values they want their partners to have tend to change as well. Is it such a big leap for what someone friends physically attractive , with an emphasis on gender expression, or what anatomy someone prefers to change as well? Any sexuality can be a phase because we as humans go throw phase. We as people are constantly maturing and growing. I still identify as bisexual even through my sexuality sexuality actually aligns more the technical definition of Skoliosexual. Which when I wrote this (2017) was called Centrosexual or Lithrosexual. Basically it was in it's infancy as a term. Skoliosexual: being sexually attracted to people who under the Non-binary umbrella. See helpful picture I found on the internet.

Trans umbrella under which the Non-binary umbrella resides. Identities that don't belong under the trans umbrella are as follows: masculine women, feminine men, Drag King/Queens, and Crossdressers
This is the Non-binary umbrella the picture after this will list a lot of identities and their flags that fall under this umbrella.

Sexuality can be a phase but to dismiss someone's sexuality is hurtful and rude.

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