
#T misconceptions: Bi-spin off ep2

I don't know if I ever shared stories of how I was a womanizer in high school.  I mean as much of a womanizer as a high schooler could be. I wasn't really sleeping around as I was dating a lot of girls and breaking their hearts. All of this is to say I've never been good at being slutty. I find that a lot of bisexual people are just as awkward and socially inept as I am.

"Bisexuals are cheaters."  "Bisexuals are sluts." "Bisexuals are greedy."

First off bisexuals aren't greedy because you can't own people. Slavery is illegal worldwide. Even if when one is in a relationship no one owns their partner. Not even a marriage. So someone who has a lot of romantic relationship is not greedy. They're not hoarding their partners. Because humans can't own one another.

I know how this stereotype got started. Its because (in a binary world) we are attracted to both genders so everyone thinks we are more promiscuous. Also if a person enjoys both genders wouldn't at some point they miss not having the other gender if they are in a monogamous relationship. But here's how it feels. It feels like everyone thinks all Bisexuals sit down at some point early on in their bisexuality and think to themselves: " Gee, since I'm Bisexual I can sleep with ~75% of the human population, if they consent. I should go out and get started now." or "How can I sleep with the majority of the current human population? I guess I'll have to be bisexual."  Bisexuals are not their reincarnation of the Greek god Zeus! If someone wants to be a slut, let them be. It's none of anyone else's business. Someone's sexual orientation does not make them more likely to be a slut or unfaithful.  A group of people of a certain sexuality might to be more promiscuous because their community allows it. That is more for reflection on the community than they identity itself. Some bisexuals are cheaters and/or sluts. There are bisexuals that prefer to wait, take their time, are picky, abstinent I've taken a vow of chastity. I have yet to meet this mythical bisexual trying to sleep with everyone willing to sleep with them. So if you're worried that you're bisexual love interest might be a slut and/or cheat on you purely because they bisexual nature compels them too, then I regret to inform you that that is a myth.  Bisexual nature compels them to like bi puns and sit awkwardly, that is all. If by chance lucky homosapien fancies another person and that person happens to be bisexual and said homosapien ever tells that majestic bisexual "I'm glad you're not like the other bisexuals, and actually faithful." Said homosapien better hope and pray that the ethereal bisexuals doesn't punch them in their face. That homosapien will never be cheated on by the glorious bisexual because hopefully that bisexual knows they are divine beyond all words and wouldn't date such trash. Some bisexuals cheat. It isn't about the sexuality it's about the character of the person. Bisexuals are not a hive mind. Bisexuals are people just like everyone else unless they're Zeus. Then they're seccrazed God

Slut meaning someone who has sex with a lot of different people because they want to

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