
Skit: so I went to see Dark Matter

"The burden of progress is assigned to the individual to find a way out of the violence, not to the system to stop being violent." Dark matter  This speaks to so much in our society. It is the victim of rape's fault for getting raped, not the rapist how raped said individual. The cop had to shoot the person of color, it was his fault for looking suspicious, his fault for running away, his fault pulling a weapon. Not the racist system of profiling that makes every person of color look suspicious. Not the history that this country has of killing people of color by the millions just because they can. It not like communities of color have seen their family members get longer prisons sentences, less likely to get parole, or more likely to be heavily scrutinized by the police/justice/prison system. All these trans* people brought violence upon themselves by not conforming to societies gender norms out in public. Its not this fear or threat or christian/religious warfare in the in name of something bigger than one's self, something bigger to stop making them feel so small, feel in control. It is not the murders fault for killing another human being for being their self. Please let that skink in. We are killing people for putting on dress; because we have gendered dress female, because we have have decide the person who is in the dress is not female, because once you break gender roles you are no longer worthy of life, because we decided that you are no longer a person, because now you represent an idea a scary idea, because that scary idea is wrong, because it is scary, because it scares us we killed them, because they were in a dress. Every time there is bombing every brown person, Muslim or not, or not becomes an enemy of the state. White people keep talking about how they have bled for this country, in wars and in tragedy. White america wake up we are bleeding for this country. You could paint every road in america twice with blood of people of color. We'll start wit the blood of the Native Americans, the genocide that had to happen for this country to even be founded. Next we'll move on to the blood Africans forced over here against their will to come here. The ones that died on the journey. The ones that died at port. The millions that died here. Their children's children's children all of them died here. Let's continue on to Asian Americans that were killed after pearl harbor. The blood of or Latin@s because of a drug war or a war on illegal immigrants. To the deaths of our brown people because america isn't for terrorist. Even though Americans are the biggest threat to the rest of the world. Americans are terrorist.  We are bleeding, we are dying trying to archive a lie painted with our blood to look like a dream, dream that is for white Americans only. You have to be this white, this christian, and this rich to ride this ride for everyone else this country really isn't for you. If you make it I would salute you but, I know you have made some comprises that your not too proud of to get there. Whether you believe in their propaganda bullshit or not you have had to stand up and pledge allegiance to the system that would rape, kill, commit acts of violence and terrorism against you because its your duty to change everything you are and not the America's to be better.  I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of capitalism, and to the system of violence for which it stands, one Nation under Christianity's God, heteronormativly comforming , with liberty and justice for all male white supremacist .

#DarkMatter #itgetsbitter

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