
skit: I am a liar

so i lied. i said i was done with the back log. well now i am done. the post that just posted was the last one i pre- wrote. thus all the errors. my bad. actually wrote Saturday's post after i wrote Sunday's and i forgot to go back and correct stuff. so stuff in the post wasn't true. i have actually been lying a lot lately. like my status was ima a lesbian and i only like girls. if you knew me you would know that is complete bull. i have almost broken my neck to see a hot guy. in fact i think 2 of my 5 crushes are guys. my sister insist that said statement is factual since i have only date girls for like the last four yrs. which isn't true there was one guy, i think (she thinks that's bs but what ever). however she did amend the statement for me, saying this should suit me better " your a bad lesbian, but you only sleep with girls" she said this was better cuz it means i could like guys ha. i also said i would post on Sunday because it is my only free day. i am learning that Sunday is not a free day it is a sleep day. i work 3 jobs now. (i still don't  make any money i get paid so little ) i leave home around 6ish in the morning and get home around 10 at night. i deal with little kids all day. and it has been 100 plus degrees for the pass 4 days. there is no a/c in the building i work in. i get one 15 min break per job so that's like 45mins a day. i am so dead right now. honestly. every part of me wants of me wants to die.  so i didn't really think of a post for this week. my bad.  but no worries super J is here to save the day

To stick with the theme/ topic of this post i guess i will write about lying.i am not going to say lies are bad. i think lies are needed for are world to go round. for money to change hands for stock to go up and down, lies are an nasty yet important part of our world ( i don't think America would be nearly as interesting and crazy as it is now if people didn't lie).  first yes i am a pathological liar. i will lie for no reason at all. and there are only a few people i don't lie to, my best friend ( because even if i lie to her i will end up telling her the truth later any way), one of my sisters ( some one has to no the truth just in case i die), and last but not least people i am crazy in love with ( no matter what i do i just can't lie to them it doesn't work when i need it). oh and you guys of course because i really don't have any reason. if i don't want you guys to know something i can omit it :). but i do not approve of lying either. yes, i am a hypocrite, i don't care. lying hurts and ruins perfectly good relationships. ( so does honesty combined with over reacting but that is a different story). that's one of the biggest reason i don't like lying but i do think there is a time and place for lying. that's were most of the lying i do comes in. so people really can't handle the truth so don't them especially if they will never find out. if you are going to get caught any way and your days are numbered you have to find a away to ease the truth out. tell it in little piece spread it out as much as you can. if there is no way you are going to walk away from it then let it all out, might as well. i lie/ omit certain details to some of my friends all the time cuz they need a lie. second not all people need to be lied to but sometimes the situation itself calls for some falsification. if it is going to do more hurt then good and you can get away with it, lie. telling the truth is suppose to make things better eventually but if the truth never leads to the road of happiness lie. ignorance is the greatest state of bliss.  third first impressionism are the best times to omit things and tell small white lies.because if you lie about something small it is not really going to matter later down the line. after you have made a great first impression and you built up something substantial feel free to be like "when i first met you i said x,y,and z it was all bs" because they will probably counter with " oh i know and by the way a,b, and c was all lies" and it will be okay.  i am not saying build a relationship off of lies no. bad. that is not the way to go. i am saying something small like "no i have never went sky diving before yeah I'll go with you." small stuff.  and last but not least lie about your past. especially to people who don't know you or don't remember. if you history is not the best but you have straighten yourself out feel free to get a little creative with your life story. change it up. make it what you would have wanted it to be but don't go crazy. remember where you came from but painting over some painful memories might make it a little easier. little recap i am liar( liar pants on fire), most of time i am lying for a good reason/ cause (like 85% of the time maybe, on a good day), lying has its place in the word, don't get caught up in your lies, and remember the truth may set you free but may also be the reason your car gets keyed (tell the truth when you can but  ease into the truth it gets a hard to tell)

Stay Fierce and at least 75% honest 25% of the time :P

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