
Skit: i read books..

so i hate reading. in fact i hate reading so much that i tied it in with my racist jokes and i say "said joke" to every teacher or who ever asked me to read even through it is very inappropriate. ( through i have never gotten in trouble for it and i have said it to everybody teachers, parents, administration, politicians, everybody.) i would rather get in trouble than read. i would rather be in trouble and prolong the inevitable as long as for some period of time i can put off having to read. (the joke actually doesn't make any sense) so when anybody as me to read something i promptly respond " you fascist bastard i am black you should know i can't read" but it has never worked through i have always been told to stop fooling around and read. however sometimes i read for pleasure. i think a picture would explain the special circumstances in which i read 
and i learn a lot from these books, because its basically your teen love story book but plus all the issues homo teen could possible go through. my most recent book has a character who doesn't quite know who they are yet. they don't want to be labeled bi or lesbian it is all very scary to them. i am very out as out of the closet as one could be. unless you ask my mother or any one on her side of the family then i am in deep like pass Narnia.  but this character reminded me of my friend i am going to call her Mrs. Andrew any way she was messing around with this girl and she was like does that me me gay and i was like do you feel gay, but somebody herd us talking and it got all over. i believe once you've been outed don't try to crawl back into the closet because it does not work that way.  it is like a womb once your out your out for ever there is no going back. you have to own this new piece of your identity because it is yours now.  and being gay isn't exactly being gay. homosexuality/ sexuality period is a very fluid thing. its a spectrum much like the the flag but more like the light spectrum it is based off of . like you can be a lesbian and think vagina is icky and that's okay. you can be a boy and identify as girl. or you could be a person and not identify with a gender at all. you can be a guy and have slept with a guy and not identify as homosexual at all that's fine too. it is all sexuality. but being homosexual doesn't mean you know what you are you could be figuring it out that's called questioning you could be no labels you could be sexually fluid. there are so many different versions and idea things and i am going to say that 99% of them are okay. figure out who you are and own every piece of your identity

i know i didn't do like a little expos piece where i tell you about my life yesterday.  i just didn't feel like writing one at the time so i didn't. that is the joy of doing something just because you can you don't have to do anything. okay what do i have to catch you guys up on prom graduation getting a job. oh my that's a lot lets try to fit it all in through. sorry if this post runs a little long. PROM!!!! first of i did not get to be the hard core dike i wanted to be wear a tux and all that fun jazz so relax. bring it in like 4 notches. i went in a dress i was a lady my legs touched and it was awful. ( i really don't like wearing a dress because my thighs touch and i hate that feeling) but the night was awesome. i have discovered i am a club rat, because at prom i danced like i was at the club. my father would have shot me if he saw how i was "dancing" but it was fun. i couldn't move my hips in my dress like when i tried to shake nothing moved, so that cleaned up my dancing quite a bit. graduation was great. my friend preformed to say the least. they danced and did flips a cross the stage to get their diploma it was great to see them be themselves in front of everybody. i finally got a job and i am excited because it is exactly were my first job is it just starts a little earlier. job #2 starts at noon and goes till 4:30 pm job #1 starts at 5 and goes till 8pm, normally i would not be able to pull this off however i guard the poll of one company then i take get in 30 min work out in and start guarding the exact same pool for a 2nd company at 5. i love my bosses the pool is great i know how to get there because i have been swimming there and working for job #1 for 4 years there. this is the perfect job i am so happy. i will make money finally. right on time to because i am asking this girl i like out on Monday. yes it is the same girl i have been crazy about for a while now the one who is turquoise. i am really to excited for this considering she could say no but its what ever because if she says no then i can look back and say i tried. if you want a better idea of what she is like listen to this drive by
Stay Fierce

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