
Skit: Nato / the eclipse

hey hey hey. so a lot happened this week aka last week. you know the time is still off i  think i'm a  week ahead of you so i write about things that have just happened and it will be two weeks old by the time you read it.  i am sitting in my literature class and i am trying to decide whether i should write about Nato or if i should write about the eclipse. well my lit partner who shall not be named due to her own preferences (aka the fact that she would shank me) said i should write about both and she is pretty dang smart ( she is going to MIT). so i will. for those of you who don't know the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (Nato) was terrorizing the Midwest. specifically the area i call home, the greater Chicago land area our the transportation system. i could not go any where this weekend. ( not that i had a place to go. i had guard class all weekend but if i wanted to go some where i would have been some kinda ...) any way  they were here. the whole purpose of the summit to my understanding is to talk about the treaty that they hold with each other and what that looks like in terms of military. it is a military treaty. what i think they are really doing is spending hella government money that nobody ( but china) has but i digress. when you talk about bring a lot of world leaders and lots of people with money and power to one place together you will get a lot of hippies, protesters and police. for some reason and i don't know why protesters and police don't mix ( you think after years and years of clash there would be some kind of middle ground they would reach). through i am not exactly sure what was supposed to be accomplished at this summit i really do not think they got that much actually done ( much like government here in America ). in the news which i watched so that i could write this blog all they talked about was the fine job that the police did and how much money having the convention here actually cost. not once did they say something about the things discuses at the convention ( except for what Obama said about pulling our soldiers out of the middle east). the news is so informative. what i do know about Nato is that nobody died as of yet. people were brutally beaten and it was all around quiet on the terrorist front surprisingly. if you asked me what was said or what was done i would not know but i tried to find out. another thing happened over the weekend: a solar eclipse! in my region we only got about 70% of the eclipse. i didn't get any of it because there was a freakin' tree blocking my dam way. the sun was also setting and from were i was this weekend I could not get a view of the sun set. however there will be another eclipse in 2017 and we will get all of that one and i will be able to see it cuz i  will sit on my roof . like a boss. what! i was very sad that i wasn't able to see it. i had solar shades and everything. you need special shades to look at the sun they like really cheap 3D glasses like the ones you use to get in the movie theater that where just film and cardboard. so  jank like you have no idea. 

" fish, whats happened in my life in the past week?" "you don't know?" " no, i don't. if i did i wouldn't be asking you." "that's pretty shady yo. how do you get so fucked up you don't remember a week?" " that's not what happened" "how would you know" " shut up fish" ( fish is one of my school friends who i talk to a lot.) the last thing i remember is Saturday it is now Thursday. actually i remember my weekend  but the week days are kind of a blur. it is just one of those you wake up and its Friday and your like woa where did the time go. i can't remember a dang thing that has happened since Sunday. ( get your minds out the gutter it hasn't been one of those weeks) its just i have been so busy I am up to my eyeballs in responsibility and i just feel the weight of it all on my shoulders. i need more time. to complete all this work. Jezz. um but other than my life life being completely out of control ( i think it is just that time of the year for me cuz i swear it happens every year around the same time) some stuff has been going on in my Misters' life too. ( he is really my homosexual mistress but he thinks mistress is a female term and he wants to be a mister because he say he clearly has a penis. through i tried to explain to him genitalia doesn't necessarily mean your one gender or the  other. but he didn't listen to me) i proclaim it month of the snaking aka secretly, discretely, underhandly, and quietly stealing other peoples partners. ( who's down with OPP) because that's all that has been happening lately. i just want to point out that i have avoid snaking all year and i feel it should be my right to par take in such dastardly events as a reward for being good all year. however all of my consciences ( it is a committee of people since i lack one on the inside people have volunteered to be my morals and what not)  disagree they say it is "wrong" or something like that. people are wrong the world is nasty but people keep living and life goes on. (yes i am a bit of a cynic) i want to take part in the reindeer games to. when shall it be my turn to steal and shmang. never according to the consciences but i think if i disobey them they will live. i don't know what i am going to do yet but it will be fun and maybe even epic we will see. lol :) 
Stay Fierce 

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