
skitt: sh!t that irks me

i low key love this pic cuz i hate being called a lesbo cuz i'm not!!!! and my committee irks me too and my little ponies just get on my nerves that why you will only see pics of them on negative post 

yes this is a rant post so it might be slightly repetitive. i apologize in advance. also before i start let me tell you i love my family with my all of my heart. but the love i have for certain family members is deep deep down buried under a mountain of hate and contempt from being wronged. but the love is there somewhere.... i hope. what really grinds my gears is bad criticism. note the adjective it is very important. i am not against criticism but if you don't know how to talk to people or criticize. shut up, because i don't want to hear you tell me my writing is crap trust me i already know. the reason i need you to read it is so that i can grow as a writer and maybe even a person but you don't know how to talk to a person so you just shut me down right off the bat. i am telling you a little bit of consideration will get you incredibly far with me. like you don't have to be nice or like me i don't care. all i care about is your option of my writing and as soon as i get your feed back our interaction can be over. all i need for you to do is when your talking to me use your manners. be respectful and considerate that is all i am asking for. I try with every iota in my body to at least do that for people. (it isn't always easy either. oh the thoughts that go through my head sometimes) so when reading my papers and works don't be and ass, i might lose it. the other thing drives me crazy is my mother. that women that women. my relationship with my mother is best modeled by an Eminem rap. idk if it would i'm cleaning out my closet or a different one but it is defiantly one of the his raps. this women is more stubborn than me and that is saying a lot. i hope and pray that i don't turn out like my mom. if i do some one shoot me please. because if you don't i will staring down a long road of unhappiness filled with empty bottles ( both kinds). she just rubs me so wrong i can't believe we were one for 9 months.  it is almost impossible that i came from her. we bump heads more then alpha  mountain goats. she forced me in to a college i didn't want to go to. now she wants me to stay in a dorm i don't want to. she has got her foot pressing on down on my neck trying  to control me and i am just not going for it. born to be wild she should know. people like mother bother me too. like people who be on bichtassness all the gosh dang time. mind your own business get out of mine stop trying to control me, your not my mother, my father, or and kind of parent guardian type figure to me. i will give you an example of this type of person. the black lady security guard at my school. Oh my God whats your problem why do you hate me so much whats your problem lady. pop of my jock stop being all in my life. it is moments like this that my hand starts to twitch uncontrollably and people get hit accidently of course. but i have been able to control said twitch very well since i have started high school but it gets hard some times. 

i went to see a movie Saturday with one of my friends who happens to be a guy. i didn't have any of my normal clothes to wear because i am a lazy bum and i refuse to wash clothes unless all of my clothes are dirty. so i looked more like a girl than i wanted to. any way my friend picked me up and came to the door because my father ( who was being mean to him) wanted him too. long story short it looked like a date. which let me state for the record it was not, it was not in any way shape or fashion a date. (btw this is how i am defining it date: to go out socially  with some one you have romantic intrest in.) but because every one thinks it was a date i am going to entertain the idea. let's call him Alighieri. ( yes it is a clue to what his actual name is because i figure since i am not actually dating him and i see him so little i could tell you who he is in code) Alighieri is cute, sweet, personable, smart ( he went to my school and and everybody who has attend my school was a freaking genius like it was not fair at all) funny, athletic, a dog person, drives, driven, likes something from all genres of music, understanding, polite, nerdy, and respectable. he is really a great guy. i think at one point i did have a crush on him like back in my sophomore yr of high school. dating him would be super cool cuz then i would get to date my high school crush who i totally idolize for about a week. the only problem is i don't think we would be a good fit. i could see myself getting bored after about a month. because i refuse to have a kardashian relationship that only last 2 weeks. Plus his friend liked me first and i try very hard not to come between friends if i can help it ( you know sometimes i can't help it i have to fallow my heart when it is continually jerking me in a certain direction). But if i for a moment i thought it would work out i would have gone for it because he is a cutey. i decide to do inverse colors this week just to change it up a bit

Stay fierce yo 

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