
Skit: Re: Bad. Bad Humans. Bad

6In response to aforementioned post, I decided to make a list of how we can be better. The responses are in the same order as the original post. There's no use complaining if you don't have any a solutions. The asterisk* means: this assumes that public higher education, trade schools, and universal Health Care are free. Aka funded through taxes and paid by the government.

It's 2019! Here's how you could be better

°Problems that effect a large group of people are usually systemic. It is difficult to dismantle that system but in doing so ensures a lasting solution. Also blame the rich
°Almost every ethnic  has something to be ashamed of, and that's fine. Accept that shame and make sure you learned from their mistakes. Also pride in your own culture doesn't mean putting down others.
°Empathize, learn, and try to understand about all races.
°Learn to accept, not fear, change. Different doesn't mean bad.
°Don't round up a specific group of people and constitutionally detain them.
°Don't separate families unnecessarily
°Don't take children from their parents unnecessarily
°Hire more public defenders and make them accessible to people and immigration court.
°Respect & acknowledge consent then act accordingly
°It is fine to defend against unverified allegations. It is fair to defend someone who has learned from their mistake and is a changed person. It is also fair to defend against exiling the person. Rapists need to be rehabilitated to the process requires support.
°Pass Laws to legalize Sex Work. It's been around for ages and is not going anywhere. Legalization would give oversight and protections.
°Fix our broken justice system with some black and white rules. Obviously not every case will fit into these black and white rules and thus will require  more deliberation but in general.
°When you can make choices that are better for the environment
°Understand that gender is a general social construct that is suppose to make life easier to understand not control people, perpetuate hate, and/or limit people.
°Fight for equal pay
°Understand bodies and minds work differently and that difference shouldn't determined  someone's access
°Stop mass murdering specific groups of people
°Look for (and then implement) ways one can divest from Israel
°Start a marketing campaign for our national parks to increase visitation by 300%. That way we don't allow companies to drill in them for our governments profit.
°Invest in upkeep of our national parks so that more people are visiting. Then we won't sell the land it will be unpopular in public opinion.
°Fund our national Parks so they don't have to close
°Tax the rich their fair share of taxes while also closing all of their loopholes which help only the rich avoid paying their fair share of taxes
°Raise the federal minimum wage to a livable wage based on the state with the highest cost of  living
° Repeal"At Will" Labor Laws
°Push Congress to create  and pass a plan to fund a massive project to overhaul are infrastructure
°Revamp and fix our immigration system starting with hiring more people
°Get FDA approved male birth control and hold men as accountable in pregnancies
°Treat drug addictions as the illnesses it is.
°Set up standers for prison conditions and the system that is prison that require the prison to be reformative
°In theory private prisons aren't a bad idea. They remove a financial burden from the government. However, there needs to be strict oversight in how they operate and make their money. For instance they should not be able to charge the government for not keeping the prison full. Also they shouldn't be able to exploit the inmates for free labor.
°Rehabilitating the inmates. Again making sure by the time that the inmates leave the prison they have skills and experience that are in demand  in the the economy thus almost ensuring them a job. Private prison should get some federal funding so that they can educate, teach, treat, and offer therapy to inmates. They should get federal money that goes to free college +high school education, free trade schools, and free health care that includes mental/behavioral Health care*
°Treating of people with mental illness for free*
°A economic system that has a competitive price system and markets that keep cost low for consumers. Operates using the principle of Efficiency of Economic and the belief that economic inequality is bad for society (thus bad for the domestic economy). The government is responsible for reducing said economic inequality via programs that benefit the poor. Is consumer choice driven and there is equal opportunity for all. While also fueling a need to improve. Large-scale industries must benefit society as a whole.
°Restoring the Environment for profit. In our current economic system I think that it will have to be lucrative endeavor to fix the environment. If people could make more money off of restoring and fixing the environment than they make money off of destroying the environment then I think we would choose to restore.
°Government oversight for pricing in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry
°Revamping and streamlining the immigration system that also involves hiring more people to process the high volume of immigration request.
°Federal protections for employees force companies to act in their employees best interest  and protect their basic needs
°Remove legal loopholes that allow corporations to deny their employees health benefits and accommodations of basic human needs (bathroom and lunch break)
°Remove legal loopholes that allow companies and businesses to under pay their employees.
°More unions
°Remove legal loopholes that allow companies to under pay their employees with disabilities
°Work towards social economical equality through government programs and initiatives. A modern-day Friedman's bureau.
°Free education and healthcare.* Plus a thriving economy that basically guarantees quality standard of living for all
°Making sure Pre K - 12 education includes music, art, recess, physical education, and access to modern technology at every grade level
°Manageable classrooms based on student behavior and academic level of preformance
°Fund schools so that they can meet the needs of the students. Fund schools so that teachers no longer buy their own supplies out of their own pocket. Fund schools so that schools are equipped with everything they needs to educate students.
°Schools that meet basic human needs: working heat for when it's cold, working air conditioning when it's hot, functional water fountains with drinkable water, lights that work, and electricity. The school should also have school furniture all in working order and the school building is not in a state of disrepair
°Replace all lead pipes used for water
°Be proactive against the reasons why violence occurs in schools. Stop it before it starts
°Security guards in schools there to protect the school from external threats only.
°Learn the signs of a student on the edge and address the problem before it escalates. Teach and prepare students how to cope with stress in a positive way.
° The Untied States of America adopt almost identical gun laws to Switzerland and Japan
° Make sure schools have enough full time nurses, counselors/therapist, and social workers/ future planners to meet the needs of the students
°Every School has full-time nurses, counselors, and therapist
°Removing racial profiling as a technique and add racial implications to an overall mental and personal profile of a criminal. Also retain cops and focus on descalation.  Lethal force should be a last resort. Descalation should be first, physical combat to subdue should be next, Injuring to eliminate the threat would follow, lethal force should always be a last resort. Cops should be so well trained they don't really fear for their life when facing a civilian. Also stop hiring abusers and people who are not mentally right for the job (white supremacists, narcissist, violent personalities, ect).
°Anyone who murders in cold blood on purpose (not in defense) should face the consequences. Cops are not above that.
°Cops going to jail serving the just amount of time for killing black people and other people of color just like they would for white people.
°Cops killing unarmed Black People, being tried, convicted, and sentenced to an adequate amount of time in prison
°Trans women's (especially women of color) not being unproportionately murdered.
°Trans women (especially women of color) not being targets of violence
°Fixing our justice system while also giving poor people the resources they need to live. Instead of a school prison pipeline, a school to blue collar job pipeline.
°White people getting the fuck over themselves. Realizing guilt isn't going to make anything better. As a demographic white people are shitty. The only way to change that is for every single white person that doesn't like that  to become comrades in the movement. Educate other white people. Keep other white people from being bad white people. You see a white person making a racist comment, or being generally obtuse, call them out. White people need to make other white people better
°Men go to therapy. Men need to cry. Men need to get in touch with , process, and deal with their feelings in a healthy manner. Also treat non men as people. Give non men the same respect you would a man.
°White people please realize people call you out not to hurt your feelings but to tell you your wrong so you can be better. If white people weren't causing real harm and hurt and y'all were just being ignorant (and if people didn't care about your lack of knowledge), we wouldn't say anything. But white people causing real pain and trauma, a disreportional amount as a demographic. No one knows the causing they are causing harm until someone says something. That's why people speak up. So white people will know and hopefully adjust accordingly. Calling people out isn't about hurting them or making them feel guilty it's so that you change. White people, stop letting your guilt and hurt feelings keep you all from having the realization that your actions are negatively affecting people. Realize and then stop doing the thing causing the harm.
°When you have hate just admit it. You don't need to justify hate. It's a feeling. If hate brings you to war just say that. Don't try to cover up there hate with lies. If you have hate, own it.
°Queer people (especially people color) being loved and supported like the regular people that they are.
°therapy and rehabilitation for people who commit domestic abuse too.
°The United States of America  minding it's own fucking business. Solving some of their own internal problems
°America's ending it's wars in the Middle East.
°Write, pass, and ratify a constitutional amendment to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit, and the jury system.
°One More state ratifying Equal Rights Act (Congress do a little bit more too but...)
°Feminism that is inclusive of all women  because that's part of what feminism is about
°Federally legalization of marijuana
°Expunging marijuana charges.
° Ajust and equitable treaty between the US and Indigenous People
°Not taking any more of Indigenous People's land
° Not polluting water
°Treating Indigenous People equitably and justly

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