
Skit: Missing "Gender"

I realize I don't talk about my gender much. I am non binary, neither female or male. I meet a lot of non binary people but none like myself. I meet a lot of trans people but none like me. Everyone else has spent a great amount of time thinking about their gender, trying to get to a concrete well flushed out definition. Gender is an integral part of who they are as a person. It's an important part of who they are. They dress a certain way because it helps them feel more like theirselves.

Then there's me. My dad never really treated me only like a girl. He did of lot of things a Dad would  stereotypically do with the son with me as well. My siblings never treated me just as a girl. My friends treated me as a mix most of my life. I've just been me this whole time. I never really stopped to think that I wasn't a female because nobody treated me as solely female. I never stopped to think if I was male or not because I've never just been treated as a boy. I'm treated the way I want to be by the people I love. I don't really care what outsiders think of me. Strangers miss gender me all the time but I don't care. I know I don't "look" whatever my actual gender is. I don't have a real grasp on my gender. I didn't have to think about it until I was 18. I was actually bewildered and confused when someone asked me what my gender was. Nobody had ever asked me before. I never had to think about it. I obviously have a gender but I still haven't polished it out. I'm going with generally non binary cuz it is the only one that feels similar to who I am. I know it's important to figure it out, because it's part of knowing who you are. But it's not going to change how I am, or how my friends treat me. It's more for strangers. Therefore, I'm not treating it with any urgency


Skit: Re: Bad. Bad Humans. Bad

6In response to aforementioned post, I decided to make a list of how we can be better. The responses are in the same order as the original post. There's no use complaining if you don't have any a solutions. The asterisk* means: this assumes that public higher education, trade schools, and universal Health Care are free. Aka funded through taxes and paid by the government.

It's 2019! Here's how you could be better

°Problems that effect a large group of people are usually systemic. It is difficult to dismantle that system but in doing so ensures a lasting solution. Also blame the rich
°Almost every ethnic  has something to be ashamed of, and that's fine. Accept that shame and make sure you learned from their mistakes. Also pride in your own culture doesn't mean putting down others.
°Empathize, learn, and try to understand about all races.
°Learn to accept, not fear, change. Different doesn't mean bad.
°Don't round up a specific group of people and constitutionally detain them.
°Don't separate families unnecessarily
°Don't take children from their parents unnecessarily
°Hire more public defenders and make them accessible to people and immigration court.
°Respect & acknowledge consent then act accordingly
°It is fine to defend against unverified allegations. It is fair to defend someone who has learned from their mistake and is a changed person. It is also fair to defend against exiling the person. Rapists need to be rehabilitated to the process requires support.
°Pass Laws to legalize Sex Work. It's been around for ages and is not going anywhere. Legalization would give oversight and protections.
°Fix our broken justice system with some black and white rules. Obviously not every case will fit into these black and white rules and thus will require  more deliberation but in general.
°When you can make choices that are better for the environment
°Understand that gender is a general social construct that is suppose to make life easier to understand not control people, perpetuate hate, and/or limit people.
°Fight for equal pay
°Understand bodies and minds work differently and that difference shouldn't determined  someone's access
°Stop mass murdering specific groups of people
°Look for (and then implement) ways one can divest from Israel
°Start a marketing campaign for our national parks to increase visitation by 300%. That way we don't allow companies to drill in them for our governments profit.
°Invest in upkeep of our national parks so that more people are visiting. Then we won't sell the land it will be unpopular in public opinion.
°Fund our national Parks so they don't have to close
°Tax the rich their fair share of taxes while also closing all of their loopholes which help only the rich avoid paying their fair share of taxes
°Raise the federal minimum wage to a livable wage based on the state with the highest cost of  living
° Repeal"At Will" Labor Laws
°Push Congress to create  and pass a plan to fund a massive project to overhaul are infrastructure
°Revamp and fix our immigration system starting with hiring more people
°Get FDA approved male birth control and hold men as accountable in pregnancies
°Treat drug addictions as the illnesses it is.
°Set up standers for prison conditions and the system that is prison that require the prison to be reformative
°In theory private prisons aren't a bad idea. They remove a financial burden from the government. However, there needs to be strict oversight in how they operate and make their money. For instance they should not be able to charge the government for not keeping the prison full. Also they shouldn't be able to exploit the inmates for free labor.
°Rehabilitating the inmates. Again making sure by the time that the inmates leave the prison they have skills and experience that are in demand  in the the economy thus almost ensuring them a job. Private prison should get some federal funding so that they can educate, teach, treat, and offer therapy to inmates. They should get federal money that goes to free college +high school education, free trade schools, and free health care that includes mental/behavioral Health care*
°Treating of people with mental illness for free*
°A economic system that has a competitive price system and markets that keep cost low for consumers. Operates using the principle of Efficiency of Economic and the belief that economic inequality is bad for society (thus bad for the domestic economy). The government is responsible for reducing said economic inequality via programs that benefit the poor. Is consumer choice driven and there is equal opportunity for all. While also fueling a need to improve. Large-scale industries must benefit society as a whole.
°Restoring the Environment for profit. In our current economic system I think that it will have to be lucrative endeavor to fix the environment. If people could make more money off of restoring and fixing the environment than they make money off of destroying the environment then I think we would choose to restore.
°Government oversight for pricing in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry
°Revamping and streamlining the immigration system that also involves hiring more people to process the high volume of immigration request.
°Federal protections for employees force companies to act in their employees best interest  and protect their basic needs
°Remove legal loopholes that allow corporations to deny their employees health benefits and accommodations of basic human needs (bathroom and lunch break)
°Remove legal loopholes that allow companies and businesses to under pay their employees.
°More unions
°Remove legal loopholes that allow companies to under pay their employees with disabilities
°Work towards social economical equality through government programs and initiatives. A modern-day Friedman's bureau.
°Free education and healthcare.* Plus a thriving economy that basically guarantees quality standard of living for all
°Making sure Pre K - 12 education includes music, art, recess, physical education, and access to modern technology at every grade level
°Manageable classrooms based on student behavior and academic level of preformance
°Fund schools so that they can meet the needs of the students. Fund schools so that teachers no longer buy their own supplies out of their own pocket. Fund schools so that schools are equipped with everything they needs to educate students.
°Schools that meet basic human needs: working heat for when it's cold, working air conditioning when it's hot, functional water fountains with drinkable water, lights that work, and electricity. The school should also have school furniture all in working order and the school building is not in a state of disrepair
°Replace all lead pipes used for water
°Be proactive against the reasons why violence occurs in schools. Stop it before it starts
°Security guards in schools there to protect the school from external threats only.
°Learn the signs of a student on the edge and address the problem before it escalates. Teach and prepare students how to cope with stress in a positive way.
° The Untied States of America adopt almost identical gun laws to Switzerland and Japan
° Make sure schools have enough full time nurses, counselors/therapist, and social workers/ future planners to meet the needs of the students
°Every School has full-time nurses, counselors, and therapist
°Removing racial profiling as a technique and add racial implications to an overall mental and personal profile of a criminal. Also retain cops and focus on descalation.  Lethal force should be a last resort. Descalation should be first, physical combat to subdue should be next, Injuring to eliminate the threat would follow, lethal force should always be a last resort. Cops should be so well trained they don't really fear for their life when facing a civilian. Also stop hiring abusers and people who are not mentally right for the job (white supremacists, narcissist, violent personalities, ect).
°Anyone who murders in cold blood on purpose (not in defense) should face the consequences. Cops are not above that.
°Cops going to jail serving the just amount of time for killing black people and other people of color just like they would for white people.
°Cops killing unarmed Black People, being tried, convicted, and sentenced to an adequate amount of time in prison
°Trans women's (especially women of color) not being unproportionately murdered.
°Trans women (especially women of color) not being targets of violence
°Fixing our justice system while also giving poor people the resources they need to live. Instead of a school prison pipeline, a school to blue collar job pipeline.
°White people getting the fuck over themselves. Realizing guilt isn't going to make anything better. As a demographic white people are shitty. The only way to change that is for every single white person that doesn't like that  to become comrades in the movement. Educate other white people. Keep other white people from being bad white people. You see a white person making a racist comment, or being generally obtuse, call them out. White people need to make other white people better
°Men go to therapy. Men need to cry. Men need to get in touch with , process, and deal with their feelings in a healthy manner. Also treat non men as people. Give non men the same respect you would a man.
°White people please realize people call you out not to hurt your feelings but to tell you your wrong so you can be better. If white people weren't causing real harm and hurt and y'all were just being ignorant (and if people didn't care about your lack of knowledge), we wouldn't say anything. But white people causing real pain and trauma, a disreportional amount as a demographic. No one knows the causing they are causing harm until someone says something. That's why people speak up. So white people will know and hopefully adjust accordingly. Calling people out isn't about hurting them or making them feel guilty it's so that you change. White people, stop letting your guilt and hurt feelings keep you all from having the realization that your actions are negatively affecting people. Realize and then stop doing the thing causing the harm.
°When you have hate just admit it. You don't need to justify hate. It's a feeling. If hate brings you to war just say that. Don't try to cover up there hate with lies. If you have hate, own it.
°Queer people (especially people color) being loved and supported like the regular people that they are.
°therapy and rehabilitation for people who commit domestic abuse too.
°The United States of America  minding it's own fucking business. Solving some of their own internal problems
°America's ending it's wars in the Middle East.
°Write, pass, and ratify a constitutional amendment to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit, and the jury system.
°One More state ratifying Equal Rights Act (Congress do a little bit more too but...)
°Feminism that is inclusive of all women  because that's part of what feminism is about
°Federally legalization of marijuana
°Expunging marijuana charges.
° Ajust and equitable treaty between the US and Indigenous People
°Not taking any more of Indigenous People's land
° Not polluting water
°Treating Indigenous People equitably and justly

Skit: Bad. Bad humans. Bad

Just in case we need a refresher in 2019 of what is unacceptable I have made a list. The majority of things that I'm touching on are endemic to the United States of America. However, the general ideas are applicable to the current humans species.
It's 2019! Get your shit together humans!
°White Supremacist
°Concentration Camps
°Putting Children in Cages
°Stealing Children from their Parents
°Not offering defendants in every court a public defender/ public attorney/ legal representation
°Defending rapist in an attempt to dismiss or offset the act of raping someone
°Sex Trafficking
°using power in privilege to escape/avoid justice
°Destroying the Environment out of Laziness
°gender factoring in the how much you make
°Supporting Israel's continued attempts to wipe out Palestine
°Drilling and Deforestation in National Parks
°Rezoning land so that it is no longer part of the National Parks so that companies can use that land (usually means deforestation and/or drilling)
°Permanently Closing and selling national parks (but really parks of any kind so that companies can have that land
°Taxing the poor and middle class more than the rich
°Minimum wage being below livable wage
°"At Will" Labor Laws
°Standing ideally by as infrastructure disintegrates
°Building a Border Wall
°Legally limiting beneficial and safe reproductive care for adults (abortion bans)
°The Criminal and Incarceration aspects of the war on drugs
°Private Prisons for Profit
°Private Prisons
°Using Prison Labor for Free Labor (a form of indentured servitude which is one step away from slavery)
°Criminalization of people with mental illness
°American Capitalism
°Destroying the Environment for profit and/or pure laziness
°The lack of Government oversight for pricing in the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry
°The Broken Immigration System
°Corporations inhumane treatment of their employees
°Legal loopholes that allow corporations to deny their employees health benefits and accommodations of basic human needs (bathroom and lunch break)
°Legal loopholes that allow companies and businesses to under pay their employees.
°Union busting
°Legal loopholes that allow companies to under pay their employees with disabilities
°Racially segregateing communities by systematically financially disenfranchising people of color
°Denying basis education, healthcare, and a quality standard of living on the basis of money.
°removing music, art, recess, physical education, and access to modern technology from education and still calling it a quality education
°overcrowded classrooms
°underfunded schools
°schools without heat and air conditioning
°The fact that lead pipes are still like use for water
°Cops in schools
°Armed security guards in schools
°School Shootings
°America's lax gun laws
°Cops/security guards in schools that don't have full time nurses, counselors/therapist, or social worker/ future planner
°Schools without full-time nurses, counselors, and therapist
°Cops killing unarmed Black People
°Cops killing unarmed Black People and keeping there job, being transferred, or  pension (retiring in early)
°Black People murder by the police never getting the justice they deserve
°Cops killing unarmed Black People and not going to prison
°Trans women's (especially women of color) murders going unsolved.
°Trans women (especially women of color) being disproportionately murdered
°The over criminalization of black and brown people
°white people getting hung up on their white guilt and thus not getting to the point where they can be comrades in the movement
°Toxic Masculinity
°White Fragility
°Using Religion to justify Hate and War
°Queer people (especially people color) disproportionately committing suicide
°Domestic Violence
°The United States of America  destabilizing other countries
°America's wars in the Middle East.
°The fact that there's no constitutional protection to prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity in employment, housing, public accommodations, public education, federal funding, credit, and the jury system.
°The fact that the Equal Rights Amendment still needs to be ratified by 1 more state to pass* (Congress do a little bit more too but...)
°feminism that doesn't include women of color, queer women, and/or women of different ability statuses (by the way if it's not inclusive of all women then it's not feminism)
°People serving prison sentences for sell, buy, or using marijuana
°People who are still technically a felon because of marijuana charges.
°Screwing over Indigenous People
°Taking Indigenous People's land
°Polluting Indigenous People's Water
°Treating Indigenous People Unjustly



#T misconceptions: Bi-spin off ep2

I don't know if I ever shared stories of how I was a womanizer in high school.  I mean as much of a womanizer as a high schooler could be. I wasn't really sleeping around as I was dating a lot of girls and breaking their hearts. All of this is to say I've never been good at being slutty. I find that a lot of bisexual people are just as awkward and socially inept as I am.

"Bisexuals are cheaters."  "Bisexuals are sluts." "Bisexuals are greedy."

First off bisexuals aren't greedy because you can't own people. Slavery is illegal worldwide. Even if when one is in a relationship no one owns their partner. Not even a marriage. So someone who has a lot of romantic relationship is not greedy. They're not hoarding their partners. Because humans can't own one another.

I know how this stereotype got started. Its because (in a binary world) we are attracted to both genders so everyone thinks we are more promiscuous. Also if a person enjoys both genders wouldn't at some point they miss not having the other gender if they are in a monogamous relationship. But here's how it feels. It feels like everyone thinks all Bisexuals sit down at some point early on in their bisexuality and think to themselves: " Gee, since I'm Bisexual I can sleep with ~75% of the human population, if they consent. I should go out and get started now." or "How can I sleep with the majority of the current human population? I guess I'll have to be bisexual."  Bisexuals are not their reincarnation of the Greek god Zeus! If someone wants to be a slut, let them be. It's none of anyone else's business. Someone's sexual orientation does not make them more likely to be a slut or unfaithful.  A group of people of a certain sexuality might to be more promiscuous because their community allows it. That is more for reflection on the community than they identity itself. Some bisexuals are cheaters and/or sluts. There are bisexuals that prefer to wait, take their time, are picky, abstinent I've taken a vow of chastity. I have yet to meet this mythical bisexual trying to sleep with everyone willing to sleep with them. So if you're worried that you're bisexual love interest might be a slut and/or cheat on you purely because they bisexual nature compels them too, then I regret to inform you that that is a myth.  Bisexual nature compels them to like bi puns and sit awkwardly, that is all. If by chance lucky homosapien fancies another person and that person happens to be bisexual and said homosapien ever tells that majestic bisexual "I'm glad you're not like the other bisexuals, and actually faithful." Said homosapien better hope and pray that the ethereal bisexuals doesn't punch them in their face. That homosapien will never be cheated on by the glorious bisexual because hopefully that bisexual knows they are divine beyond all words and wouldn't date such trash. Some bisexuals cheat. It isn't about the sexuality it's about the character of the person. Bisexuals are not a hive mind. Bisexuals are people just like everyone else unless they're Zeus. Then they're seccrazed God

Slut meaning someone who has sex with a lot of different people because they want to

#Werk misconceptions: Bi-spin off ep1

I only came here for the puns. Half of my life as a bisexual (things that only relate to my sexuality not my entire life) are bisexual puns. The other half is finding a lot of people attractive but being to awkward to do anything about it.

"Being bisexual is just a phase."
It's probably not a phase, but I understand where this one comes from.
I have found that a lot of men in my generation, millennials, came out as bisexual first. I would like to point out that in my experience every gay boy that came out as bisexual first was fully aware that he was 100% homosexual. For some reason people (parents, family, friends, ect) tend to react to coming out as bisexual better. There's less of a chance of complete rejection, hate, and physical violence. It is often safer to come out as bisexual first and ease people into tolerance for acceptance of the queer community. When I told my Dad, he was happy because " I still have a chance at n having grand children." I understand that he wants biological grandchildren. But my sexuality no matter what it is completely rules out biological grandchildren. Also any parent who loves their child less based on the contingencies of marriage and grand children is shitty. I would hope a parent loves their child and what's best for them which includes what will make them the happiest.
Sexuality evolves with the person. People continue to change until they die. One of the things that can change along with taste in food, music, and fashion, is taste in people (sexuality is part of that). What someone is attracted to may widen, narrow, fluctuate, or cease to matter all together. A 16 year old boy is attracted to highschool girls. It would be ridiculous and perverse if that same man at 32 was still attracted to girls who looked like they were (and might still be in) highschool. When it comes to attraction for personality someone drawn to, what values they want their partners to have tend to change as well. Is it such a big leap for what someone friends physically attractive , with an emphasis on gender expression, or what anatomy someone prefers to change as well? Any sexuality can be a phase because we as humans go throw phase. We as people are constantly maturing and growing. I still identify as bisexual even through my sexuality sexuality actually aligns more the technical definition of Skoliosexual. Which when I wrote this (2017) was called Centrosexual or Lithrosexual. Basically it was in it's infancy as a term. Skoliosexual: being sexually attracted to people who under the Non-binary umbrella. See helpful picture I found on the internet.

Trans umbrella under which the Non-binary umbrella resides. Identities that don't belong under the trans umbrella are as follows: masculine women, feminine men, Drag King/Queens, and Crossdressers
This is the Non-binary umbrella the picture after this will list a lot of identities and their flags that fall under this umbrella.

Sexuality can be a phase but to dismiss someone's sexuality is hurtful and rude.


Daily struggle

Me: Every time I plan a trip to New Orleans it gets hit with hurricane.

Husband #7 (Best friend): The last time you planned a trip to New Orleans was 2005? You love New Orleans. Why did you wait so long?

Me: I go so infrequently because I gain 5 lb every time I'm there. Also it takes a few years for that city to bounce back after a hurricane.

Husband #7: Valid, but you've been there quite a bit since 2008?

Me: Yeah with my dad. I don't get to go without my family and really enjoy the city how I want to. Every time I want to go, it's underwater.

Husband #7: To be fair it's always underwater. It was built below sea level which is a key design flaw. It shouldn't exist. In all honesty the ocean has every right to be there.

Me: Stop trying to keep me from my delicious food, my magical wonderland, and easily the best party city. New Orleans is the closest thing to the mythical city of Atlantis. This one can't sink too.


Skit: women's soccer

Now a days I rarely find myself singing the praises of white women. I'm still angry about the fact that as a demographic they voting for politicians that want to roll back women's rights. As a demographic they keeps supporting rapists. As a demographic they keep supporting the wage gap. As a demographic they are generally against the interest of all women. However, I'm going to go out on a limb and hope that the women of the USA soccer team do not support views that I would say are in conflict with my right to happiness, life and liberty.

With that said, those women are fucking bosses. They are consistently world champions. They are the best in their field. You can usually find them winning their soccer matches, or celebrating a recent win. They are great role models for young girls. They play with their hearts and passionately. They are dedicated athletes. Which can be demonstrated how much time they spend training. As far as soccer players goes they are amazing women. Who for some reason don't get paid as much as their male counterparts.

They are paid drastically less for 3 times the talent, qualifications, and execution of duties. Despite the fact that in any way one could judge a soccer player, the USA women's team is exceptionally better. They are better than USA's men's team statistically, performance wise, in athletic ability, in money made, and in fan base. They've won more world cup games then times men have ever qualified for the world cup. The women's soccer team have more trophies than the men's team has players. The men's team has NEVER won a FIFA world cup. They men have won 6 CONCACAF Gold Cups. The men have Never won gold in Olympics. The Women's team have: 4 world cups, 4 golds in the Olympics, 6 CONCACAF Gold Cups, and 10 Algarve Cup. Yet the women are paid less. That's like if the shitty off-brand costs more than the objectively better name brand. One would just buy the name brand. Why would someone pay 3 times more for Michelle Williams when you could have Beyonce for less? If I was on the team getting paid what they are being paid I wouldn't even try to win a game much less a world cup.

They are also criticized and chastise for their the way they behave. They have been called unsportsmanlike and unlady like. I didn't know you needed to be lady like to win the world cup. I don't know how their on field performance could reflect on who they are as women. It would be exhausting if on top of being world class soccer players they had to do it in a fashion that's communicated their gender. How does one score of goal like in a stereotypically feminine fashion? Based on what they are getting paid no should be making extra erroneous demands of the USA Women's soccer team. When they celebrate a goal or win it is said that the women's sportsmanship is unbecoming. If you watch a men's soccer game they are so highly animated. I think I was watching Chicago's men's soccer team, one guy made a good pass and then did a backflip to celebrate. He didn't score they didn't win the game it was just a little thing and he did a backflip. Do you know what the announcer said? The announcer said his actions were an act of passion. When the men are overly zealous it's passion but when the women do it it's a disgrace and disrespectful.

The sexism in the sports industry is ridiculous. It is probably one of the only industries still so unchanged by feminism. Female athletes have been saying this for a long time. But now the women are starting to out preform the men. Today it is often more enjoyable to watch women in the sport than it is their male counterparts. That means we are finally listening to the women when they say they are being treated unfairly. Now that some of our top athletes are female we are starting to pay attention. We all watched as Serena Williams was scrutinized. She is being targeted and over regulated. The USA's female soccer team are not being monetarily appreciated. However, I think because Serena and the women's team are winners that they will also win they're civil suits. Also it's important to note that equal pay for the women's team would not mean being paid the same as the men. USA's men's team is full of a bunch of losers. The women should be paid more than the men because the women win more. We pay our best basketball teams more. We pay our the top players in the league more. The women are the best in the league and the best team. We should support the women like we do the men. Feminism is not just in the schools or the board room. It's also on the tennis court, the fairway, field, track, and on the ice. Sexism is unsportsmanlike conduct and should be penalized.


Skittles: Now I can love you

I had a really messy and emotionally heavy weekend with Lovely at World Pride. It was rough. The short version is I'm depressed, I'm in love with her, I'm easy jealous of the people she shows interest in, everyday was a long day, we were in a group of about 10 people, it was really hot (90°F), I was really irritable, I'm shy, and one of her friends ended up overdosing on an opioid. The worst time was realizing Lovely was infatuated with her friend. Thinking they left me with the group to hooked up with said friend. Being constantly reminded the value of my life in other people's eyes. All of the police being in these queer spaces. The best time was taking care of high Lovely. She is a blast high. Crying together as queer people of color. Bonding while taking care of the friend who over dosed.

I have a hard time with my relationship with Lovely because it is so multi fascinated. I love her in away that is detrimental to all of our relationships. The love is detrimental not because it is not reciprocated. But because I felt it was not valued. If I take anything away from this weekend it would be that I am important to Lovely. She trust me as much as I trust her and values me. Despite our polar opposite personalities I think my relationships with her are the healthiest relationships I have or have ever had.

I think that because of the stress of the entire weekend we just broke under pressure. That break down of pure vulnerability is what got us to open up. We had a heart to heart talk. I wasn't being gaurded and she wasn't mad at me for keeping her away. When someone is dying you don't think, you do. But after when things are settled you have to process everything that just happened. I cried early and it wasn't my friend so I was okay.
***Side note***
Growing up it the city really desensitized me. Gun shots or fireworks was very much a game to me growing up. Just neglecting the fact that this meant people were dying. I've never lost anyone to drugs before but people from my neighborhood have died from overdoses. I always thought "you were dumb enough to do drugs, natural selection at work." But watching what a drug I was prescribed did to me when I didn't have it was worse than what it was helping me with. In that way I could have easily formed an addiction. The only reason I stopped was because of a mistake that the pharmacy made that caused me not to have my medicine. I was so close to being addicted.
Lovely cried her eyes out having dealt with an opioid addiction herself. This drug that her friend did could have killed her if she would have had the money for a larger dose. I watched the person I care so much for devolve. All I could do is hold her. But that was enough.

I feel better now that we have talked. I realized I was jealous because I didn't feel valued. After this weekend I know she cares and that all I've ever wanted.

Skittles: pride post, birthday post?

I have a piece I've been working on all year. I haven't finished it because I'm lazy and also work too much. Will it get published? Will I then do a post about being 25? Will I ever finish last year's pride series? Will I do a post this year for pride? Who knows? Defiantly not me.