
Skittles: Protect our trans children.

I was trying to explain to my father about a 5 YR OLD Trans girl being kept from her parents in Illinois by my doctor providers because she is trans. The doctors are forcing her to be a boy even though she identifies as a girl. This is a form of conversion therapy. No person with a medical licence in Illinois can do that it's illegal. We have laws against conversion therapy.  My father's response was  "you need to figure out where you're going to school in spring instead." He just doesn't get it.  I have seen the pain that people who have gone through conversion therapy are in years later. This is important to me. I need to do this more than I to figure out school.  Also why can't I do both.  I am going to fight for Stevie and hope that my parents understand but if they don't, I don't care.

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