
skit: I'm just changing

Dear Dr. Lex,
I hope you didn’t think I would leave without saying goodbye. My step dad decided to come get me at 9 pm tonight, so you won’t get to see him, ask him if I told him, or talk to him. It wasn't my idea to come get me this late, I have an interview tomorrow. I know you would have something funny, something smart, and some tough love words for me to hear. These two years you know you have been my go to person at my home away from home. I would say you were my parental figure, but you know I don’t tell them nearly as much as I tell you. I know I need to. You have counseled, consoled, help me through very hard times, but most importantly listened to me. Thank you so much for listening to me, even when you were busy and had things to do you always listened. Even though I never seemed like it, I listen to your words too, and I have learned so much from you. I may have not followed the advice you gave me and life has been worse off by not heeding your warnings but I’ve learned. Your words did not fall on deaf ears. I will stay in touch and keep you informed about my progress. I will go back to a four year institute after I work all of this mental health stuff out. However, for now I have many classes to retake at a community college while I attended daily therapy sessions. I just want to be 100% before I try this again and I think considering what I want to do you would agree. Dr. Lex I wish I could repay you for everything you have done for me. I will see you in February for mblgtacc.

J Skittles

"And I was never looking for approval from anyone but you
And though this journey is over I'll go back if you ask me to"


Daily struggles

Perception vs. reality. Also the constraint and rules placed on life mainly distance and time by physics


Skit: Letters to my Freshman, Gaysha

Sweetest Gaysha,
      Where do I start? I think you're phenomenal just the way you are. You’re a breath of fresh air to me Gayshand that's exciting. The way you don’t get everything we talk about sometimes makes me really curious about how you think. In a good way. I am going to be really bad at articulating this but know that it is coming from a good place with good intentions. I love that you act differently from everyone else around. It's refreshing that you interpret the same world differently than I do. Please never lose your individuality, you are someone who is so rare and hard to find. Follow what your heart and your head tells you because your own perspective is unique and worth value. I know it is kind of ironic to give this advice and expect you to follow it but listen to yourself. Do not change who you are for anyone. You are worth it, you are special. Call me whenever you need something or just want to talk. I will miss you when I am gone. I will miss you so so much. But I will get to see you when I am in chicago so make time for me. Gosh, I will miss you so much.

Forever yours,

J Skittles


Skit: Letters to my freshman, Twink two

Oh Twink two,
    I hope you stand back and look at yourself. Look at how far you have come how hard you worked this year. I am so proud of you, the way you have changed, matured, this year. I am so glad I got a chance to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you more even though I won’t be here. Your cool taste in music, your work ethic, how smart you are, and then everything thing else just continues to impress me. From what I can gather you have a head on your shoulders and you're good at choosing who you spend your time around. I think you’ll have a great three years. You’ll go through some changes everyone does, it will hard sometimes and it will be better other times but you’ll get through it with hopefully some of the best memories of your life. I am so happy I can leave not having to worry about you because I know you will be fine. I look forward to getting an infinite amount of snaps about what's going on in your.  Don't be a stranger talk to me, and others around you who care. You have great people skill, at least you appear to, use them. You’ll have no trouble talking your way into any kind of opportunity you want so be as confident in yourself as I am in you twink two.

With love,

J skittles 


Skit: Letters to my Freshman, Twink one

Dear Twink One,
      I honestly have no idea what to say to you. I have had a great year getting to know you; watching you grow and mature change for the better for the most part. I am extremely proud of who you are and what you have the potential to do even though I know I have had nothing to do with the process of you getting there. Not to say that I wouldn’t like to help, I just don’t think you will ever need it. I will always have an ear to lend you and hand to help you up. So you can call anytime for anything even if it’s nothing at all. I can promise you now I will make an effort to get all of you together and see you guys once every summer, because I will miss you a little. My last order of business before I leave, and pray that the house doesn’t burn down, is that we have to stay in contact. Much like over one of the breaks when I got to talk to you the entire time. You’ll be a great president; friend, boyfriend, and Physicist never doubt that. I wish I could leave you with some lasting advice or words to live by but you're such a dynamic, complex individual that I don’t think that would work for you. So instead I am going to share some of my experience in hopes that you can learn from my mistakes. One of the things that has gotten me into trouble, the serious kind that I don’t talk about, is not asking for help. I like to go it alone because I think I can, I am too prideful, or I don’t think anyone will understand. I have come to find out that it is simply not true.  We may all be individuals and different, but quite a few of us have similar fucking problems. I am not saying when I learned to ask for help that it got any better, because I don’t like taking advice. What can I say I’m hard headed, but at least I became savable. I have been rescued many times by friends who probably don’t even consider themselves helping me. I need to get out of my apartment every day and some days that was hard. However, I had friends that knew I was struggling and would invite me over all the time just to chill. They didn’t know when I was having a bad day or what triggered it; they would just randomly text me just because. Take from that what will and have another good three or so years.

J Skittles

Ps. now that it has been 3 minutes boob grope.