
a year in rear-view: logos

I can honestly say I have learned a lot this year about logic. I for one am a very logical person. I do things that make sense. I say things because they are rational. The rest of the world isn't like that. I see things in black and white and I take how I view things and super impose them on the world.  Well fortunately, and unfortunately, the world isn't rational. That means two things: it isn't simple and just because that is the way that would make the most sense to do something doesn't mean it will be done that way. That also means we are colorful. Logos is a black and white subject. It is all the things that impeded our logic that make life worth living. So there was a lot of” oh, what the hell?" and” why the hell not" this year.  And my life is so much better for it. Sure I did a lot of stupid things but I regret nothing. I strive each year to say if this year was my last then I lived a full life. I have climbed my mountains and seen breath taking things. I have lain with beautiful women, (mind, body, and soul) and talked to men about important things (and I was herd). Logic is still the guiding force of my life but I am learning. Learning that there might be more out there and to people. Things I don't understand. But logic can't solve all problems so maybe I don't need to understand just flow. Understanding why the world spins only gets you so far. At some point you’re going to have to go out and live life yourself. Yeah I got my bumps and bruises and in retro spec I could have done things differently but I wouldn't have.  Every scar I have gotten or left on someone else this year tells a story. And I wouldn't want to rewrite history. Logic has given me the knowledge and the power to evaluate my choice and make the best ones so I know when I a making a U turn. Reasoning gives me the power to tell you why each choice was right or wrong and why one was more correct than the others. But it’s the faulty rational I love the most. Being able to rationalize that the choice I made was bad but was chosen for these reason thus maybe not as bad is what I really like. i made a lot of hard decisions and probably choose what nobody thought i would. however through it might not be evident to everyone around me there was a goal i wanted to reach. made the choice not logically but with the goal in mind. Logically I had a terrible year. But that's only because I choose to live in color and not on a black and white page. 

Stay fierce yo

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