
Skitt: irritated like a screaming orange

In order to accurately recount the blood boiling events which took place in my house hold I would not only have to stoop to the level of profanity but use Shakespearean tactics (aka make up words), and I am trying to avoid doing so. However I find the task of not stooping rather daunting and almost unbearable so I make no promises. As I begin to recant the story out loud the thing that bothers me the most is how petty the whole ordeal really was. To think all of this rage and spite over a nothing more than a simple hot dog.  Yes! A hot dog is what shook the foundation of my lovely home and brought the walls to collapse in on them. See I was very hungry and the freezer lacked in nourishment, I have not had the opportunity to run to store and do some shopping. This is not to say that the freezer was empty just lacking in things which belong to me or my father which I could cook. (he has a roommate who is very finicky about their things apparently they never learned to share. they are lucky that we have because we share our house supplies water gas light and what not with them so you think they would get the concept of the idea but alas) all I found was a pack of hot dogs which I presumed belonged to us, for I remember buying a pack of hot dogs and putting them in the freezer. I removed the dogs from the freezer and placed them in the meat box because as I eyed the clock I would not have time to cook one and eat it before had to leave for work. I decide when I returned home I would simply have the hot dog for a quick easy dinner, as you probably guessed my day didn't end with a quick hot dog dinner. I returned home rather late, very hungry, and sleepy only to find the hot dogs weren't where I left them. However there was one that had been mutilated and left out the package lying in the meat box. It wasn't wrapped in anything it wasn't in a bag anything just lying in the meat box. I also found a rather belligerent room mate who, get this, was giving me the "you don't exist" treatment. (this is an adult playing play ground game do you all understand how pissed off I get when grown ass people act like fucking children I deal with little kids every day and the only thing that keeps me from losing it is that they are kids and don't know any better. but I have no mercy what so ever for adults who want to play bull shit games. I swear I am so pissed I can't even spell shit straight the whole freaking page is covered with red squiggly lines) I realize before I act that I am an adult now and I cannot just fly off the handle any time I please so I simply react by throwing the hot dog away, because I can't throw them away not alive any way. this apparently was perceived as disrespectful to the roommate because they said and I quote " how are you going to let your child throw away good food like that you should have made her eat it there was nothing wrong with it". just to restate, I am an adult and I must react in an adult manner even if the "people" around me choose not to so even through I know the roommate is going to pretend like I don't exist I can still stand up for myself so in the calmest most neutral tone I stated simply " it was left in the meat box unwrapped and the meat box is as dirty and germy as the floor. I do not eat off the floor I will not eat out of the meat box". After that there was some strong language that they used to address my father but he was to sleepy to care. I on the other hand tried to keep a handle on my more violent side as I washed the dishes and listened. (first of bitches must think I am stupid to eat meat out of a blood stained meat box if the meat hasn't been wrapped I know she was mad but do you really have to try to kill me. I know it wasn't meant for my father he's on a fast. what really gets me is that I am a child when they are acting worse than me at least I handle the manner in an age appropriate way for a fucking chemist I would think that they would be smart enough to do the same). In my mind the situation was over until I went to use my computer and found my brand new laptop charger broken. I think I almost hand an aneurysm due to the overwhelming rage that was building up in side of me. But I took a step back to collect myself and I thought what about getting even. Revenge was always a dish I was able to prepare that to me was rather sweet but to everyone else quite bitter. But I won't. No matter how much of me wants to exact my revenge I won't because I know my father would not think it right for me to do so. My next course of action would be to sue but this person has not a dime to their name that is why they are staying with us to begin with.  all I can do for now to quell my rage is to write about it and this of a plan of action that will make me feel better and not get me in trouble. Oh what a quandary, to have a cake but not be able to eat it.
I am sorry for all the little out burst throughout the story. I really am that ticked off. Who does that kind of thing breaks a valuable piece of electronic equipment that you have no way of paying for or replacing. I know who, children. I personally have one of the lowest tolerances levels in the history of mankind so I tick really easy. I have a temper and tend to lose it very quickly so it’s like dam just don't fuck with me. But I swear everybody in the world wants to piss me of. And when the world succeeds it will be like Armageddon. (i think my anger sounds a little something like this the incredible green person  sorry i din't like the actual video for the song oh and about the picture i just really dislike orange ) People like this are the reason I do yoga so I can find my center and clear my mind so I don't go psycho on they bitch ass like Skynet. I swear I bet you that is what happened. Skynet was minding their own data when some human came around on some bitch ass shit fucked with Skynet's stuff and then made it out like it was all Skynet’s fault. Honestly if that is what happened I would have kill of the entire human race too cuz robots don't be on bitch ass-ness. Just saying.
Stay fierce and don't be on BS cuz it really isn't cool 

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