
skit: The Trump lie

I am tired of people pretending and lying about the reasons that they support Trump. Trump is winning because of fear and because of hate. It is that simple.  The only way to sway the people backing him because of fear and hate is to disseminate their fear and hate. They know he's wrong they know he's a liar they know all of the things that Trump is doing to hurt them. But Trump's base does not care about their own well-being because they're so afraid and they're so hateful. White people in this country who are voting for Trump are voting for Trump because they are afraid of losing the power and they are afraid of the system that keeps white people in power from being dismantled. Moreover they are afraid that non-white people today will do to them what white people in the past have done to people of color.  

In a way that makes sense. When you know you are wrong and when you know you are guilty of a crime you fear the consequences and you for your revenge. Even if you personally did not commit the crime you know the people the crime was committed against deserve justice. In their mind revenge is a form of justice and in their mind revenge is not unreasonable to ask for. White people can imagine if aliens came and took over America and ruled America for years that the humans of the earth would want to reclaim America and drive them out. Killing all the aliens to reclaim the country would not only be revenge it would be justice. To them non-white people are owed this. They know it but they also don't want to give it to us. Even if there are systems in place that work against them they fear that if they abolish those systems that keep white people in power that somehow that will have negative effects on them and those they care about. They fear without the current system in place non-white people will come for white blood and everything that white people have. White people don't want me to have their home because they feel like they've worked for it they don't want me to have their money because they feel like they've earned it. In their mind there is no way for non-white people to have justice and them to keep everything that they've worked so hard for. 

 Justice is a two-way street. If someone comes into my home and murders my brother and then they're caught and tried and convicted guilty they can be sentenced to death. That person could also be sentenced to life in prison. That person could be sentenced to 15 years in prison. Or that person could be sentenced to no time at all. As a victim of the perpetrators crime I get to be heard. It is part of the process. Justice's  only a function is not one of punishment but it is supposed to rehabilitate and further society. In my opinion the only punishment of justice should be forced rehabilitation. Justice takes away a person's ability to choose not to improve oneself and grow as a person. Justice should take away a person's ability to choose not to heal from trauma. If we were to take that approach to healing the nation from its years of racism then white people wouldn't have anything to fear. I don't want to live in a place where I can't get along with other races. I don't want to live in a place where my race is considered superior to everyone else. I think that for the most part non-white people just want to live in a society where the color of their skin isn't a hindrance to their pursuit of happiness. I don't want my white neighbors to lose their homes or their jobs. I don't want my white neighbors to be disenfranchised or lose the ability to be able to provide for themselves. I just want the same opportunity to do what they're doing even though I'm black. I want them to look at me and not think of me as a threat just because of the color of my skin. 

It is confusing to me for everyone to believe that people come here to take what little the people who already live here have. They see the country as a pie where there's only so many slices. In some ways that is true. However, the average American does not have enough of a slice of pie to share or to even take from. I want some of Jeff Bezos's slice. There are those in this country who have way more than they ever should and they've gotten them through ill-gotten means. Through this system that intentionally hurts non-whites and then ends up actually hurting not just some white people but most white people. Then those who have everything blame non-white people for the reason why other white people can't have as much as they do. Those who have everything know that the former is a lie. White people we're also struggling then hate non-white people because they've been told by other white people that they reason they're struggling. The white people don't understand why non white people need a certain quota to be allowed into schools. White people only see that the school allows 500 people in and 100 of those are being saved for non-white people. That means that there are a hundred spots that they do not qualify for.  To a white person that must seem like favoritism. To a white person who is struggling and does not see the suffering of non-white people, that perceived favoritism quickly breeds hate. In all honesty I would be mad as well. When it seemed like Asian students had an advantage over all the other students in the college of engineering that quickly bred an environment of hate. Inequality breeds hate. However, they do not see the reason why so late in the game these spots have to be reserved. Non-white people do not know the inherent struggle of people who are not white. They only see the small measures that are taken to try to even the playing field and it feels unfair. What's unfair is 400 families have  almost half of this country's resources. There are more than 328.2 million people in America. If America's wealth is 131 trillion dollars, after taxes, each individual American should have a little more than 390 thousand dollars in money and assets (property, car, stock, material objects). I for one feel jipped. 

So start by telling trump supporters we aren't going to hurt you. We aren't going to take things from you. I just want to be a person. Non-white people don't want to be a terrorist, thug, gangster, criminal, sex worker, degenerate, or a drug addict. We want to be seen as teachers, doctors, lawyers, firefighters, factory workers, and other hard-working Americans who you respect. We all should have 390 thousand dollars in money and assets. Every man woman and child. If you personally do not have that for yourself and every member of you're family then there is nothing we can take from you. You do not have enough to give. If You personally do not have 390 thousand dollars in money and assets you should. You are owed too. We should ban together and take back what is ours from those 400 families with you and not part of. An intaking back those resources we should also work on truly making a country equal for everyone. A white person may only want the 390 thousand dollars for themselves and every member of their family. A non-white person probably wants better schools, arts programs, updated computers, better internet access in their community, healthier grocery stores, access to doctors, clean parks, and roads without potholes along with the money. That is what is at the heart of the inequality. At the end of the day if we all had the same amount of money and assets non-white people and their communities would still need more things. Just like non-white people did not have to take any of your personal money poor trump supporter to get us all to the same level. Non-white communities don't have to take anything from your community (poor trump supporter) to make their community better. We can train more doctors. We can train non-white people to be doctors and non-white communities. We can build more stores. Helping non-white communities generally end up helping white communities as well. We'll all improve. Except for the 400 families and their specific communities they'll get a little worse. But you're not them. How do I know you're not one of the 400 families we the people are coming for. If your total household income is not half a million times every person who lives in the house then you are not them. 1=1/2mil 2=1mil 3=1.5mil 4=2mil 
Why should we fight each other when we have nothing. So join non-white people, white Trump supporters,  and our fight against the 400 families with all the money and resources. 

If that doesn't work and they still support Trump they're either: 
1. rich and trying to keep their money and power which I understand.
2. Don't understand, did not try to understand, or do not believe they are true, the points made. Which I can empathize.
3. Are truly just racist and wholeheartedly believe in white supremacy. In which case I pity them. 

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