
Skittles: standing up for both

Today a black man and an Indian women got into an argument on the train. The women was sitting across from me minding her own business when the guy tripped over her feet.  Both were mad. They exchange a few choice expletives before the black man said " this isn't even your country go back to where you came from." This is where I stepped in. I simply said "hey that was uncalled for and a low blow. As far as I'm concerned right now this isn't our county either, we are being gunned down in the streets by white officers that are suppose to be protecting all Americans. So if this isn't her country it dam sure isn't ours either". He apologize and agreed with me.  I told both of then we can't turn on our fellow people of color we need to stick together against a government that hates us. She aplogized to him. I asked both of them if they were okay and they said yes and we had a peaceful train ride. I stuck up for the Idinan women as a fellow female bodied person. I admitted to both of them having fault and also took the side of the black man as a fellow African American. You stand up for both by simply doing what's right

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