
Skit: More Police Brutality

This cop wasn't even on duty this time.  Story goes these teenagers are walking home.  This off duty cop yells something at one of the females. One of the males dosen't like what the off duty cop said and steps on his lawn yells something back, maybe pushes him its unclear. Anyway the off duty cop grabs the minor, the minor says something that is mistaken for I'll shoot you,  probably I'll sue you. This just aggravates the off-duty cop even more. Now the off duty cop won't let go of the minor that's where most of the videos on line pick up.  Police are called by the teens, the off duty cop drags the minor several yards. Other minors step in and try to get the of duty cop to let go of the first minor. One trys to calmly remove the off duty cops hands. That fails. One straight up takles the two of them all three of them end up on the ground.  The minors get up first and try to pull the first one away, the OFF  DUTY COP pulls his gun and shoots at them. No one is shot no one is injured  thankfully. There is so much gone wrong here.  Some idiots are blamming the teens for starting all of this.  Fun fact did you know your brain isn't fully developed until 23. The parts that are still developing are the parts that deal with logic and reasoning. This is why college students and young adults are often so impulsive and prone to bad decisions. This isn't too say that they are blame free but they deserve to be grounded, spanked, some corrective action taken by their parent or guardian. Not an off duty cop shooting at them. Death penalties are given out by the judicial system sometimes, but never to minors. What if he would have killed one of them.  Why does this off duty cop have the right to decide whether the minors live or die.  Also the fact that people are celebrating the fact that no one is dead is the lowest freaking bar we could have for police whether they are shooting on duty or off duty. The bar should be higher, we should exspect more from a trained professional. But we can't because of the thousands of questionable leathal shootings carried out by police since 2005 only 13 where convicted. Now these minors are all people of color from the video not a white one amongst them.  The officer is white though. I smell some racism we'll come back to that later. Why did a grown man feel the need to put his hands on a minor. The minor was unarmed. He's not related to said minor. He's not on duty. His life isn't being threatened. He isn't protecting anyone. Why did an adult feel the need to put their hands on a minor? Do you see the "but the teens are also at fault here" argument  breakdown. If the teens are being held responsible for their actions, how responsible should we be holding your average adult here? How does that responsibility increase knowing that he's an off-duty cop? (I'm actually screaming at my computer writing this. I have drangon so I don't type I talk. Or in this case scream.) I'm not a police officer but I'm legally an adult. The number at times I have wanted to put my hands on a minor is unfathomable. Have I ever done it. No, because assault is illegal, and assaulting a minor is worse. Other than clear adultism and probably a lot of racism, why would and off duty cop do something illgeal. Well because they can.  On duty they are above the law why should they feel any different off duty? No one is going to hold this man accountable for his actions. This happened Tuesday, the video was viral by Wednesday. There was a protest Wednesday night because nothing had been done.  It is Thursday night no charges have been filled against him and he has yet to be arrested. Also he still has a job and no action at work has been taken against him. Not even a simple repermand. If Iwas a cop I would be robbing banks. Cyborg says we have taken steps in the right direction because of public unrest due to these incidence but I don't see it. There has been more videos taken of officers doing wrong and more unrest but still no response. Or not the results we want. What are young people of color to do, because they are trying to kill us. These are not isolated incidents. This is a systemic problem within our police force that no one wants to address of racism and power tripping. Trump wants to give police more power. What are we to do?

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