
Skit: Boston

I went to Boston for a day to visit Amoriartii . The city is beautiful and I got to see the clock in one of my favorite LGBT movies The Four Faced Liar. In my short time I spent there, because I was literally there for a day, I learned more about them. Fell more in love with them but also bonded with them in meaningful friend kind of way. We ate, sang, danced, strutted, played, laughed, and just enjoyed each other presence. I learned that I could love them for the rest of my life but I would be content to be friends with them for the rest of my life. If we did become lovers it would be a love like no other. They like being in power and need someone who is willing to be submissive. Which many people are willing to be. Then in Amoriartii professional life they are met with similar dominance and they enjoy that challenge as well. But I bend my knee to no one. And even when it looks like I am being submissive if you watch closely you will see I am still in control of everything. Me and Amoriartii are equals in almost every way and I think that is something very new for them and that's why they enjoy having me around. We have to share because neither of us can really out do the other. I understand that if they were mine I would have to share them with someone else but honestly I don't mind. Amoriartii respects me in such a way that they would want me to like who ever they choose and want to share that person with me as well. I want to convey to you all exactly how perfect this trip was but words are escaping me.  So I'm hopping JLO will do it a little better. Now don't get me wrong I don't wish they were my first love. I've done a lot of growing in the 6 years between Kimmy and now. I've learned so much about myself, my needs and what I want. The only thing that hasn't changed is I go from zero to 60 in 3.5. No stopping no breaks. I'm an all or nothing type of person. Some people fall in love then start to soar once they caught the flow and get a taste of the high. I instantly soar so when I actually start seeing the person I am already high and I just keep getting higher. So listen and understand the happy, chill feeling of the security love brings.  Jennifer Lopez - First Love

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