
Skit: Boston ps. I love you

Like I said my relationship with Amoriartii would be like no other. I could be more or less monogamous with them. But we like to play and I don't see them giving up playing with people anytime soon. I think it would work if we kept it open and allowed each other to be ourselves. But I'm possessive sometimes. Most of the time I could care less about sharing them, then there are those moments I would want Amoriartii all to myself. I think an interesting hierarchy would satisfy me. One where I am at the top and it is clear I am at the top would be fine. I feel like I wouldn't have any insecurities no matter who else I shared Amoriartii with. If at the end of the day they love me more than anyone else I'm happy. If I asked them to choose between me and another love and they picked me we'd be golden ( that is how I want them to feel). I want Amoriartii to happy and have options but not need everyone else. I think I could care less who they slept with or if we slept together or not or even if they liked someone else. As long as they love me. If we were to have some kind of long term relationship I think it would be a closed one. Amoriartii and I would have one or two other people who ideally lived with us loved us and satisfied our needs. In my head it looks like long term play partners who love us and each other. ( probably closer to the middle of the K scale and we'd probably have one of each "gender") We'd be a happy very queer family. I can see it I now I hold Amoriartii's hands while we watch a movie while our girlfriend lays her head in my lap and our boy friend rest his head on their shoulder. Only I could find person who makes me want to live this complex life. Did I mention our girlfriends married to our boyfriend. So they love each other more than they love Amoriartii and I but our girlfriend and boyfriend do still love us. Amoriartii and I would love each other more than we would love our girlfriend and boyfriend. And we all one or two kid(s) together. And have some dogs and a cat.

Stay fierce

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